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A/N: Again, don't know what the picture has to do with the chapter. I think I may do that a lot. Sorry bout it.
p.s. There's some Mitch&Travis "love" in this chapter.

I was standing at my locker when I felt hands on my hips. I spun around to meet lips pressed against mine. Travis.

He pulled away and I could feel him starting at me, "What?"

"You're so beautiful," He chuckled lightly and kissed me again, "I love you."

"I love you too, Travis." I kissed him and said my goodbyes when he dropped me off at my next hour.

It was English. Scott was in my class and sat right next to me so I talked to him as much as I could.

"Hey. Kirstin and I are having girls night at my place. Wanna join?" I asked him knowing he'd say yes. We didn't have school tomorrow due to some teacher work day or whatever.

"Absolutely." There was so much enthusiasm in his voice and I loved it.

"Great. Meet after school?"

"Yepers. I'll be there." After class was done, I informed Kirst of the new member to our girls night. It was her idea so she obviously didn't care.

"Yay!" She stated with excitement.

"What's yay?" Asked Travis behind Kirstin.

"We're having a girls night at my house tonight since there's no school tomorrow. It's just us two and Scott."

"I see."

"You're invited." I slid forward and grabbed Travis' hand. I made sure it was his and kissed him, lightly, on his delicious lips.

"I'll walk you home. So are we staying the night?"

"Kirstin is. Not sure on Scott but you're more than welcome to." I chuckled at him and he kissed me.

"I'd be honored, my love." He kissed me again and we went our separate ways. Kirstin and I walked to choir.


After school, I met Kirstin and Mitch. Travis joined us after a few minutes. Apparently they both were staying the night. I wasn't sure if I wanted to because my mom would have to bring things for me.

"So, I rented a bunch of movies and we are going to watch them all." Kirstie announced.

"What kinds?" Travis asked, holding Mitch's hand.

"A bunch. Romantic, funny, sad too. I'm not sure if you will like them but they're all good movies."

"I guess we'll have to find out," Travis smiled at Kirstin and we made it to Mitch's house, "We're here Mitch." Mitch handed Travis his key and he unlocked the door. We slid off our shoes and plopped down on the couch.

"What movie first?" Kirstin asked. She pulled out all of the movies and spread them out for us to see.

"Wow. There's a lot." I smiled at Kirstin and went back to looking at the DVDs in front of me. There were a few I've watched before but didn't mind watching them again at all.


After we watched all of the movies, we went up to Mitch's room. Kirstin came up with the idea of playing truth or dare, "So, Mitch sit here next to Travis," Kirstin was on my left and Mitch was on my right with Travis next to him, "Who wants to go first?"

"I do." Travis said.

"Okay. Truth or dare?"


"Boring. Fine, are you a virgin?"

"Absolutely not."


"Sorry bout it." Mitch said with a slight chuckle.

"Scott. Truth or dare?" Travis turned to me and asked.

"Uh, truth."

"Are you gay?"

"Uh," Crap, "Yes. I am gay."

"Oh man. I'm surrounded by gay men." Kirstin laughed at her playful statement.

"How sad for you." Travis said.

"Kirstin. Truth or dare?"


"Ohh, I dare you to," Mitch whispered something in my ear, "Kiss Travis."

"What?!" Travis was surprised but knew Mitch had whispered it to me. Mitch was only saying it because he trusted Kirstin and knew Travis didn't like it anyway.

"Okay." Kirstin leaned in and kissed Travis right on the lips.

"Did they do it?" Mitch asked.

"Unfortunately." Travis said, pulling away from Kirstin.

"Haha." Mitch laughed at his boyfriend in misery.

"I hate it." Travis stated.

"At least I didn't have to see it." Mitch laughed and poked Travis.

"Mitch, truth or dare?" Kirstin asked.


"Are you in love?"

Mitch paused for a second before responding, "Yes. Very much so." He leaned over and kissed Travis. Kirstin and I both awed at the two boys in love.

"I love you too Mitchy." Travis stated.

After we played until we got bored and ran out of things to say, we all went to bed. I slept on Mitch's couch downstairs and Kirstin slept in the spare room. I refused to let her sleep on the couch instead. Of course, Travis slept with Mitch. I still had a funny feeling about them but I didn't care because Mitch was so happy with him, I could tell. The way he "stares" at him even though he can't see him is beautiful. He's always smiling when he's around. Clearly, he's in love.

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