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so that's what it is, huh?
jaebeom blinked, hands on his chest as he stared up at his ceiling.

the clock had just struck 3am, making him uneasy as the hours ticked by when he just couldn't fall asleep.

he had been thinking, that's what's keeping him up. and only one thing was on his mind. feelings.

more specifically, feelings towards his best friend, park jinyoung.

and he had just now realized how in love with jinyoung he was.

it explained his behavior from when it started, half a year ago. that's when he noticed his best friend in a different light.

of course, like everyone else always does, he denied his feelings. saying to himself what he was feeling was nothing, just imagination.

but, then he started doubting himself and finally now became into terms with that he, lim jaebeom, was madly in love with his best friend, park jinyoung.

jaebeom's breath quickened as he turned to his side to stare at the posters on his wall.

"oh my god,, why?" he whispered into the silence of his room. "why did it take me so long to realize it?" he asked again.

"lim jaebeom! if you don't sleep in this instant you won't be able to play those videogames of yours with park tomorrow!" he heard his mom's voice coming through the door.

"turn off the lamp and tv and sleep young man!" his mom continued to lecture the boy who only chuckled.

"right, sorry mom. i love you," he told, turning off the tv and lamp by his bedside as he closed his eyes and sank into his pillow and into the dreamland far away, but not before clouding his mind with park jinyoung.

it was thursday morning, sun hitting jaebeom's eyes even from the closed curtains.

he groaned and turned to his side before he heard his phone ding, indicating that he received a message.

good morning, beommie hyung!

a smile made it's way to his lips as he stared at the message before getting out of bed. he grabbed his phone and put on some music to hum along to as he did his morning routine.

he took a quick shower and changed into some ripped jeans and a black oversized hoodie, putting his earrings on as well before he went downstairs.

morning, park. slept well?

you bet i did! like a baby tbh. i'll come there now? i'm starving, hyung.

alright. see you in 5 or else-

yesyes! see you in 5.

jaebeom chuckled as he placed his phone down onto the table before he started preparing breakfast for the two of them.

his parents weren't home, which always meant he'd basically be alone for tue whole day until 12am when his parents decide to come home from work.

jaebeom hummed along some song while making pancankes. when he heard the door opening a smile was making it's way up to his lips.

he knew it was jinyoung. he had a key to the house, jaebeom's old lost key to be exact which he lost at one of the sleepovers at jinyoung's.

"hyung, are you making pancakes?" jinyoung's voice made jaebeom give a glance towards him.

"yeah, mind if you make the rest? you know what happens when i make pancakes. and i'd rather my parents didn't kill me today when they'd get home," he chuckled.

jinyoung grinned, gently pushing jaebeom aside and continuing to make the pancakes himself.

"yes, i know what they're like, beommie~" he teased, earning a flick onto his temple. "dropping the formalities again are you, jinyoung-ah?" jaebum asked.

the younger gave him a pout aa he turned back to making the pancakes. "apologies, hyung," he mumbled.

"aishh, you know it's fine, i know you're just playing, stop it, park." jaebeom narrowed his eyes as he leaned against the counter.

jinyoung let out a chuckle, turning his head to look at jaebeom. "i know, hyung. are we... are we going to meet up with mark hyung today?" he changed the subject quickly.

"yeah, mark hyung said he'd see us after school," jaebeom told, looking down at his phone.

"beommie hyung..," jinyoung started as he set the finished pancakes on the plates.

"yeah?" jaebeom lifted his gaze to meet jinyoung's. "i- actually forget it, hyung. don't worry about it alright?" the younger smiled brightly before grabbing his plate and going to sit down.

jaebeom furrowed his brows, taking his plate before sitting down at the table as well. he shook his head, deciding it was best not to ask anymore about what jinyoung meant.

but, he wanted to know what was bothering jinyoung. he had been like this a lot recently. asking something and then not saying it at all.


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