Chapter 5- Moving in

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I went back to my parents house changed into somethimg more comfortable and began packing all my things.

After packing all my things it was now 5:30pm and I was exhusted and hungry so I decided to go to my favourite taco place Tony's Taco which was about two minutes from where I lived.As I was about to order Enrique came next to and told me he would buy my dinner.I told no but he insisted so he bought my food.

I told him thanks and went to go find seat and he followed me and asked if he could eat with me. I said he could so he sat down.We began eating in what felt like a comfortable silence.He broke the silence by saying ,"¿vienes a menudo?" "Sí, es mi lugar favorito para comer y tienen los mejores tacos"replied and he told me he loved the food here as well.

That started a conversation and we talked for what felt like hours and turns out we had alot in common.After he offered to drop me home.I accepted because it was late and I didn't want to walk by myself. He walked me to the door and then he left.

I opened the door and went inside and there stood both my parents with angry looks in their faces. "¿Quién es eso?"my dather ask disgust dripping from his voice. "mi nuevo jefe" I said in a whispered tone but loud enough for them to hear.

"Puta ¡¿Por qué todas tus cosas empacadas?" my mother questioned.This was the moment I have been dreading."Me estoy mudando" I said. "¿Perrito es perjuicio todo lo que hacemos por ti y esta es la forma en que nos agradece" my father told me and my mother just slapped me across me face.

Both my parents started beating me and calling all sorts of nasty names. I managed to escape after some time and ran to my room and locked the door. My parents never beat me this bad before.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a black eye and my mother's hand had printed out on my face. I had alot of small cuts and bruises on my hands and foot. I went to my bathroom took a shower and cleaned the cuts and put plasters on them and went to bed.

Just as I laid in bed I heard my phone dinged indicating that I received a message. I took it up from my nightstand to who it was and to my suprise it was Enrique.

Enrique:Good night ángel😇,sleep well i'll see you in the morning to help you move.

Ivanita:Gn you don't have to you have more important things to do

Enrique:I want to and besides I'm not that busy I have time now get your beauty sleep

And with that I fell asleep thinking about what tomorrow had in store with Enrique coming over and my parents. I was afaid of what they would tell him.


¿vienes a menudo?-{do you come here often}

Sí, es mi lugar favorito para comer y tienen los mejores tacos-{Yes it's my favorite place to eat and they have the best tacos}

¿Quién es eso?-{Who is that?}

Mi nuevo jefe-{My new boss}

¡Puta ¡¿Por qué todas tus cosas empacadas?-{whore! Why are all your things packed?}

Me estoy mudando-{I'm moving}

¿Perrito es perjuicio todo lo que hacemos por ti y esta es la forma en que nos agradece-{ Bitch after everything we do for you and this is the way you thank us}

Hope enjoyed😁 if so can you click the star below and leave a comment I love you guys thanks for reading my book💞💞


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