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Hello Internet.

Exactly two years ago, my cousin Samantha disappeared without a trace, likely abducted from her home in the middle of the night. The investigators have pretty much given up, but my family is still holding on to the hope that she may be alive. I'm not as optimistic, but I would like to see justice served.

When we finally got Sam's phone back from the police, I took a series of screenshots of a text conversation she had with her best friend Amberlyn. Her last known words. So why am I posting the screenshots here? The browsing history on Sam's phone indicated she had visited a number of sites the night she disappeared, including this one. Her phone was recovered in a ditch five miles from her house, so it's not clear if these sites were visited by her or her captor. In either case, I'm looking for people who may have observed unusual activity occurring on this site the evening my cousin went missing: August 21, 2017. A total eclipse of the sun was visible in North America earlier that same day, a significant event which may help jog your memory.

I'm keeping names and locations anonymous until a clear lead emerges. I don't want to muddy the waters with what's already been reported in the media.

I know this is a long shot, but I figured it was worth a try.

Stay safe.


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