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Year 2023,

Five years.

That's how long it took to undo what Thanos did. But it came with some complications

Let's go back to five years ago, shall we?

Year 2018,

Dr. Strange, Quill, Nebula, Mantis, Drax, Tony and Peter were all stranded on the planet Titan, the homeland of Thanos.

The mad titan arrived, possessing four infinity stones; The Soul stone, The space stone, The Reality Stone and The power stone.

The heroes fought with all their might, but the titan was far more powerful than them.

They failed, and Tony now was injured because Thanos stabbed him. He was okay, though, he fixed himself with his tech.

After Thanos escaped using the space stone, the rest awaited their destiny, they were all counting on Steve -aka Nomad- and his team of fugitives to save the day.

But suddenly, everything went downhill...

"Something is happening." Mantis said, turning to dust.

Followed by Drax, "Quill?"

Then Peter Quill, "Oh, man."

After him was Strange, "Tony, we're in the endgame now." He told the billionaire as he turned to nothing but dust.

Tony looked around, not knowing what to do now, then…
"Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good," Peter said, stumbling his way towards his mentor.

"You're alright." Tony said. He didn't know if he was trying to reassure himself, or the teen in front of him.

"I don't- I don't know what's happening,"

Peter clung to Tony, fearing what's about to happen,
"I don't wanna go, sir, please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go," He pleaded, tears in his eyes.

Tony laid him on the ground, cradling his head as he said his final words,
"I'm sorry." 
And that's how Tony's worst fear became reality. He watched everyone he loved die in front of his eyes, and he couldn't do anything to help them.   

Twenty-two days later. The Avengers Facility,

They did it.

Thor, Natasha, Captain Marvel, Steve, Bruce, Nebula, Rocket and Rhodey tracked down the gamma radiation coming from the stones, who were in possession of Thanos.

They found him on a planet called The Garden and immediately attacked him.

Carol held him in a headlock; Steve, Natasha, Rhodey, and Bruce held out his arms and Thor cut off his left hand, the one that held the gauntlet.

Rocket stepped closer and rolled the cut off gauntlet, finding the stones missing.
"Oh no…" he breathed out, losing hope of getting his family back.

"Where are the stones?!" Rhodey asked him, fury in his eyes.

"Answer the question." Carol demanded, tightening her grip on him.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms." Thanos replied, smirking.

"Lunatic! You murdered trillions!" Bruce yelled, pushing him to a corner.

"You should be grateful. I did you a favour. I am inevitable."
Thor launched at him, cutting off his head.

"What did you do?!" Rocket asked, shocked.

"I went for the head." He simply answered.

And just like that, Thanos was destroyed and the Avengers team got disassembled once again, each going their separate ways.

Hulk retired. Hawkeye went off on a rampage, killing off people whom he thought deserved to die all the while grieving over his lost family. Steve and Natasha settled down in the Avengers Facility. Carol, Rhodey, Rocket and Nebula went off in the galaxy, helping out the other planets; and Tony and Pepper built a cabin near a lake, and had their own kid, Morgan.

But, was that really the end?

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