coming back

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" hi everyone your back now so I know I said that you would come back after coronation but I decided to wait and call you back after cotillion so welcome back how is everyone doing" Harley questioned
"Well I'm great got my family and my friends and everyone is happy well all but Audrey who decided she wasn't coming because she has been away" Ben said
"That's ok once we have seen all the songs from the second movie I will bring her here for the future videos and I don't know if you want to stay Lonnie as you were not in the third movie I think you were away like Audrey during the second" Harley asked
" Yes I will stay I want to listen to the songs because so far they have been awesome oh and I'm great" Lonnie replied
" Yes I agree the music is amazing very meaning full and catchy" fairy godmother said happily
While this conversation was on going some others sat there listening and silently agreeing
" Ok so how are the rest of you" Harley asked curiously
"I feel wonderful now that maleficent is a problem and I have my chosen family around me the past few days have been tough and I now know that I need to talk to people and not just think I'm being a burden" Mal said as she looked down just for Evie to side hug her and Ben to lift her chin
" My god Evie's 4 hearts is taking off I have enough money for a small castle for me and Doug" Evie smiled excitedly Doug just murmured softly at her side with a huge smile on his face
"I have found new friends and explained my point of on the Isle we don't care about gender with the help of Lonnie and her female empowerment vision" jay said as he put his arm around Lonnie and she smiled
"I finally had the courage to ask Jane out and explore our relationship in a different way that just friends" as Carlos said that smiles were on everyone's face hoping he would ask her out at some point Jane stood with an embarrassed look and rosy red cheeks from blushing 
"Well chads stopped with Audrey but I think he fine" Ben said not really sure
"So how are you as parents watching the children change and grow" Harley asked gesturing to the hero's
"Well me and belle are very happy with the out come and how the vks have grown into themselves and found their purpose" beast answered
"Yes I agree from acting dumb to and amazing chemist and fashion designer Evie has matured so well, from scared to confident Carlos is perfect for Jane, from boisterous to kind and caring jay has taken big brother to another level and Mal my god from doubting and scared to out going and setting examples she will make a fine queen one day" fairy godmother said remembering when the vks first came to aurdon
The vks stood in surprise as they listened to her talking about them
"We remember not being sure of what could happen but then at Ben's coronation we completely trusted you and from that moment we were happy if Ben was to choose you Mal to be the next queen and take my place on the throne" belle said with proud tears of joy in her eyes
"Please don't cry I can tell you might and I'm not wearing waterproof mascara" Evie asked quickly just to be met with eye roles from the other vks and laughs from the hero's and aks 
"Ok who cares about them let's get this over with" Uma shouted obviously not wanting to hear more about how perfect Mal was.

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