calm talk

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"so as much as I hate to have to wait to watch Mal and Hades in the next song you all need to calm down and take a chill pill" Harley joked
"So let's reflect on what has happened" Mulan suggested
"Yes let's go one by one but fist why Mal and Hades" Jasmine said to which some of the vks jumped forgetting some of the hero's that were present
"He's her farther and she goes to get his ember to stop Audrey" Harley said
"Ok Mal can start" Jasmine replied
"Ok so Ben's proposal" Mal said more liked asked for opinions
"Cute and expected" Evie said and belle agreed
"Ben" Mal said
" Ok um the new vks" Ben said
"Dizzy, Celia, squeaky and squirmy just so you know" Harley interjected
"OMG EEEEEEEK" Evie squealed at the mention of dizzy
"YES and we could do some designs together" dizzy joyfully exclaimed
"Shhh ear drums" Mal shouted loudly over them
"Celia may need more FGM magic" jay said seriously
"Why will I" Celia asked
"Well you have some major daddy's girl issues to start with" jay said earning a chuckle from all the vks
"Sorry I just love my farther" Celia said at which her farther had a loving look and that shocked the vks
"Evie" Ben said to get back on plan
"The only thing I can currently think about is dizzy time that's going to be my new thing right Doug you next" Evie said
"Erm the clothes" Doug said
"I know Evie really stepped up her game" Mal said and Evie blushed
"Next jay" Evie said quickly while everyone silently laughed at the teens reaction
"The only thing I can focus on is that Lonnie isn't in it" jay said Lonnie blushed a bright safe of pink and the girls all awed
"Ok Lonnie" Ben said
"The music is amazing and I missed your proposal" Lonnie said with a then sad expression
" I have to agree the voices of you kids are very strong and powerful you all could be amazing singers in the future" Cinderella praised
"They already are" belle followed up  thanks were heard from all the kids even the vks which they got glared at by the parents
"Carlos" Lonnie said
"Well everything has been spoken about and so I think I'm just going to ask a question dose Mal need the ember because Audrey has the sceptre and she's the only one who can use it being Hades' daughter" Carlos asked bring back up the fact that Harley revealed Mal dad is Hades
"Yes it would the ember is the only thing more powerful than the sceptre" Mal answered ignoring the fact about her farther not wanting to talk about it
"Wouldn't that mean that Hades is stronger than maleficent" aurora asked knowing Mal clearly didn't want to talk about Hades
"YES so he should be the ruler of the isle" Uma realised
"Then Mal wouldn't be the best VK if her mum don't rule" Gil said forgetting that Hades is her dad
"She would he's her farther" Evie said in response
"Moving on Jane any questions" Harley asked to change the subject seeing Mal was uncomfortable
"No not really, Audrey or Chad anything" Jane simply said
"No I'm just going to stay quiet don't want to dig myself a deeper hole" Audrey said embarrassed
" Yes what happened at cotillion" Chad asked
"Mal is a dragon Uma is an octopus I was under love spell Mal broke it with true loves kiss done" Ben summarised
"Right" Chad said taking in the information
"So do you new vks that we have and haven't met yet have nothing to say" belle asked
"No I think we're just excited to see aurdon and them two are shy and don't talk much" Celia responded
Both the smee sons just watched the others conversation quietly as expected
"How do you all feel as the parents to these children and those that are just apart of there past" Harley asked
"Well I speak on behalf of the isle they are all a disgrace" maleficent said to which EQ, jafar and Cruella agreed
"Well I don't so you don't speak for all the isle" Hades buttes in maleficent huffed and rolled her eyes
"And you can't talk for us as we don't know our children fate and outcome" Mr smee said with fear of maleficent reaction but lady Tremaine agreed with his statement
"Well I am very proud of Ben" belle said
"Yes he is a fine king in the making" Adam said proudly
"I agree I am also proud of Jane" FGM said
"I am very pleased to see that my daughter can accept people for who they are not where they came from it means we did a good job parenting her correctly" Mulan said giving Lonnie a kind and proud smile Shang sat back and watched his wife and daughter proud of his family
"I for one are very happy with this out come it has had its ups and downs but is proving to to a grate adaptation for aurdon" SW said
"Yes this kingdom will accomplish grate things with Ben as king and Mal as queen" Florian said
"I'm not queen" Mal said
"Yet" Jasmine and Evie said
"They are right I can see it Ben will make you queen one day and propose" aurora said in a approving manner
"No he won't" Audrey spoke up
"You have no say I will" Ben yelled
"Audrey that is no way to speak of your king and future queen" Philip scolded
"Just because she is a villain kid doesn't mean she cannot become royalty I was a street rat and now look at me" Aladdin explained
"Thank you for sticking up for me but it's ok I'm used to people not agreeing with me I will never do anything to harm the kingdom and I will make sure it is safe no matter the conveniences" Mal said
"As much as Chad may not agree with you I do" charming said supportively
"And I Cinderella believe that you will be a great addition to the royal council as well as your advisor whom you may choose" Cinderella said
"My advisor" Mal questioned
"Yes you get to choose one person to attend all meeting along side you and the king we can only be apart of the council because we were chosen as royal council advisor's" Anita explained
"Oh" Mal sighed
"Yes it is a collective decision made by the king and queen the advisor will speak for the king and queen if they are not able to attend and must respect all decisions made by them" Rodger added
"So Ben any thoughts" Mal chuckled
"I'm sorry but you can make that decision I always have had my mother and farther you need your own support system" Ben said
"So I can choose anyone from anywhere" Mal asked
"Yes in reason" Adam responded
"Ok when I join I will choose ............ as for now I'm undecided" Mal  sniggered at expecting faces
"Awwww come on you can't leave us in wait" Lonnie said
"Yes pleas do say and what is you plan for the future" Harry asked hopefully
"No I will not say I have a few choices" Mal said but knowing who it will be
"I know who she will chose" Carlos piped up
"Who" all the kids that wanted to be chosen shouted
"Well you see it's obvious, process of elimination it could be Evie, Jay, Lonnie, me, Jane, Uma, Celia or dizzy but it won't be Jane, Lonnie, me or jay because they will take their parents places and we will be in different situations jay will make his way up to head guard eventually and I'm a tech genius so I'll be needed for security, now it's left to Evie, Uma, Celia or dizzy" Carlos explained
"So he may be correct but I wouldn't choose Evie or dizzy as they will be my royal stylists so they would be to busy and Uma I don't know Celia would also be with her dad most of the time so I still need to think who I need by my side 24/7 we will see at the end" Mal said
"Ok I think that my que to start the songs again" Harley said

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