Tale 1: Forlorn Fox

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Ink groggily opened his eye sockets as the shrill cry of something made his skull pound. Uhg, what happened? Why does everything hurt? The questions caused a painful migraine to form, and a wave of dizziness washed over him. He quickly shut his eye sockets in agony when the urge to puke threatened to make an appearance.



The terrified screech of a fox- followed by the unfamiliar aggressive snarl of someone else- snapped Ink from his daze, and he felt his consciousness waver as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. Uhg. My skull. Opening his eye sockets, Ink felt his vision swim, as dark rustic colors- with hints of bright oranges and reds- blurred in a vortex of swirls. Mmpf, everything really hurts. Way more than it should really.

Letting the nausea settle, Ink tried to focus on his current surroundings. The first thing that came into focus was the fact that he was currently lying on the floor. The desire to move and stand up was there, but the sluggishness Ink felt coursing through his bone's, prevented his body from taking action.

It felt as if a huge boulder had been placed on his back and sapped away his strength, which prevented him from doing much of anything. He didn't even want to think about how he couldn't feel any of his tails, and instead tried to focus on moving his claws in front of him.

Tiredness laced through his consciousness and Ink tried to remember what he was doing before this. However, before he could even begin to think, a wave of dirt and dust clouded his already blurry vision. He slowly blinked as a foot stomped itself mere centimeters from his skull- the immediate response to flinch, absent, as he didn't have the energy to do anything besides move his eye sockets.

"Well, well, well~. Look at who's awake. I thought I had you locked and trapped under my hypnotism. Guess that coat patterning isn't just for show!"

Ink felt a hint of fear roll down his spine at the menacing tone, but his body refused to move properly with the little motivation. Instead, he flicked his eye lights up the figure in front of him and stared at them hollowly.

Glowing devilish eyes stared back at him with glee, as sharp pointed fangs gleamed sharply. Oh yeah, vampires. I forgot. Ink stared at the darkened face of the vampire- their hair a ghostly white- which Ink's artist side found to contrast nicely against their demon red eyes. They looked overall very human- besides the large black bat wings- that curled over their back.

"Ooh spooky~ not gonna say anything are we?" Ink's eye socket twitched as he realized the voice was right, as he couldn't even move his mouth to make a come back.

"Ahaha, your silence is music to my ears, but do you know what would be even better than your silence..." Ink felt his eye lights turn into pinpricks."...Is your friend's screams."

All emotions drained from his recovering soul, and Ink went stiff as the vampire- who's hand was previously hidden behind their back- brought their arm around to show off Pail struggling in their grasp. A bright red string of magic had clamped Pail's muzzle shut- the reason as to why she had made no further noises- and streams of tears could be seen flowing down her damaged skull as she thrashed back and forth.

"Now aren't you lucky! Dinner and a show. Well, more so for me actually, since you're going to be dinner quite soon, after I finish this little appetizer." The vampire snickered as a small chorus of laughter trailed after it, a reminder that this wasn't the only vampire present.

No! Ink internally screeched as the vampire lifted Pail's struggling body to their face. Her claws frantically scratched at her captor, but the other simply sneered at her attempts to hurt him, and squeezed her neck painfully to get her to stop. She wheezed fearfully and her eye lights flashed to Ink's slumped form, pleading for him to help her.

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