Get this over

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Joon- well time for this dumbass judge and his workers
Jimin- shut up hyung

Tae, jin, yoongi walks in after 10 minutes

Joon smirks at them~
Jimin - thoughts in his head- they are so gonna regret this~

Alright court is in session~

Bailiff: All rise ( Wait for everyone-except the judge- to stand.)
Judge: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of korea ( a/n: man idk all this sorry) defendant name: Kim Tae-hyung. Are both sides ready?
Attorney- : Ready for the People, Your Honor
Public defender: Ready for the defense, Your Honor
Judge: Will the clerk please swear in the jury?
Clerk: Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand? *everyone stands*
Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court, so help you, God? Please say “I do”. * everyone says i do*  you may be seated.
~Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury the defendant Kim tae-hyung…. Blahblahblah he should’ve never been at the place he was during when the event occurred… he put himself in that position and now he wants to turn it on sir.

Defender: Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty because everything at happened that night was all Mr.Kim fault he was doing things against the law...blahblahnlahblah.

Judge: The prosecution may call its first witness
Bailiff takes the witness to the witness stand
Clerk: Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Jin-  I do
Clerk: Please state your first and last name.
Jin- Kim Seok-jin
Clerk: You may be seated
Reporter: Please spell your last name for the record
Deputy DA: where do you work-
Jin- i’m a farmer and restaurant owner sir
    Jimin thinking- he wasn’t even at the scene wtf…-

Tae, jin & hobi~ all signs deep hoping he’d get sentenced… hoping he’d be guilty of the crime he committed..
Jimin knows his brother isn’t gonna get sentenced so he doesn't even know why those two bring them here in the first place but anyways jimin clenches on to his brother arm and chuckles.. Joon just smirks

judge : i present Kim Namjoon…. Not guilty.

Tae, jin and yoongi just look shocked
Jimin walks up to them and says
Jinim- did yall really think you’ll possibly could put MY BROTHER behind bars “he death stared them” but now i’ll make sure i’ll make ya’ll suffer - he walks away smirking
Namjoon said to jimin let’s leave them alone… and walks up to the 3 boys that are still shocked” he says
Namjoon- well well look who’s looking down now… now heres what im gonna do is leave you alone but if EITHER of yall ever get comfortable to even try this again i’ll make sure you won't walk into this courtroom again on two feet. Bye for now- joon signal jimin and they walk away.

Joon- how dare them to put bad rumors on my precious name… Aishh
Jimin- like you care hyung.. You do dumb dangerous shit all the time and rumours just circulate around your whole biography
Joon- im gonna go home now.. Where are you going
Jimin- no we are going to this evening party so get dressed and meet me by the park
Joon- no jimin i’m going to bed
Jimin- noo hyugg please it’s a paying event
~jimin lied…~
Joon- ok meet you by the park in 20 minutes
Jimin reaches his house which it’s 8pm (btw)

He runs in and locks the door and goes to shower… after 10 minutes he comes out blow dry his hair get hair cream do evening routine get dressed and looks in the mirror.

Jimin- damn i look great!
Ok ok i gotta go… he runs out and drives to joon house

Joon gets dressed and looks in the mirror to fix his tie
(A/N sheesh joonie)
He walks to the kitchen and grabs some raspberry and water then sits down and wait for jimin
Jimin walks in the door and yelled
Joon- let’s go- he sits the raspberries in the freezer and walks out the door smirking..

Little did they know tae, jin, yoongi was gonna be there too… haha.

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