Rae's Coming Out Story

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Hi! So I previously had another coming out story on here for coming out as demisexual. Well I've learned a lot about myself since then and I've come to the conclusion that while I still am demisexual, I'm also bisexual. I've come out to a handful amount of people, so why not share those stories?

1. In each coming out, the first people I told were always my friends. Granted when I came out as demisexual, I had told more friends because I still identified as straight; therefore, I felt safer doing so. Coming out as bi was different because of a couple different reasons:
1) COVID-19 so had to do it over text
2) I've only told two of my friends compared to last time where I told a majority of them
3) I wasn't scared to come out as demisexual but I'm still terrified of my other friends finding out I'm bi because I don't know their thoughts about the community

2. Next I came out to my Wattpad followers XD my friend BatgirlGeek had came out as asexual which gave me the courage to come out as demisexual. This year, I came out as bisexual on my profile and the amount of positive feedback was mind-blowing! When I mentioned that I was planning on coming out to my parents, so many people offered advice and kind words! I'll never forget their amazing comments

3. My parents. So I guess I should start by explaining that I'm not the kind of person who likes to talk about feelings, especially not my feelings. So the prospect of telling my parents that I like girls was not a comfortable thought. It was during pride month and my parents were out of the house, so I sent them a text. It was a picture (I'll attach below) with the caption of "Happy Pride Month!" We didn't talk about it until that night where we sat in the living room. How to explain...? Well basically my parents support me and only care if the person I date will make me happy. They did make some comments about how the media or other external sources might be confusing me, I shouldn't tell people because it might change how they see me, etc. I know that they meant well but half the conversation was me thinking "yay! they support me!" and the other half was "ouch. did you have to say that particular thing?" I didn't come out as demisexual because my parents aren't the kind who like labels and believe you're only straight, gay, or bi (sexuality wise). We tend to not see eye-to-eye on these kind of things so their response was to be expected.

I'm lucky enough to not have a negative experience yet and am even out to the LGBT+ club I formed at school (we jokingly call ourselves pirate skittles)

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I'm lucky enough to not have a negative experience yet and am even out to the LGBT+ club I formed at school (we jokingly call ourselves pirate skittles). I know that there are homophobic people at my school (I used to be friends with one) and some of my friends claim that it's against their religion/it's a sin. Obviously not coming out to them... Maybe in the future when I'm not afraid of losing their friendship.

So I thank everyone who has supported me and for the people who read this. I know it's not the most interesting story, but thanks for reading. If any of you have any coming out stories, please feel free to message this account and we can share it :) you can be anonymous or named! Have a queer day 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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