Hey Guys!

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Sorry, it's been so long but I have a huge announcement. Unexpected is currently going through a complete makeover. There won't be any more updates for a while as we work on re-writing. Thank you for all your support and patience. All current chapters will stay up. Once rewriting is done, all current chapters will be deleted and the new ones posted. Keep an eye out for that!

The reason I'm re-writing is simply that I'm not happy with my work. I've been working on this for over a year and a half. In that time I feel that my writing has improved and I want to show y'all the absolute best of my, and others, work. You deserve it. Each and every one of you is positively amazing and I couldn't ask for better readers. 

So long (for now) and thanks for the fish! 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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