The beginnings

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He was watering his plant everyday,
He was taking care of it every moment,
No one can touch it .. no one can hurt it, even the sun can't affect it, 'cause he's here to care for it,
He was watering it till the day when it was so sunny and he was scared that the plant might get hurt of the sun's effect so he took it quickly to a warm place in his home just to keep it safe,
He saw from his home's balcony a young lady fell from her bicycle and her leg got hurt and she was bleeding,
He went so fast to get her a bandage,
He did,
He was by her side telling her not to worry,
Telling her that he'll not leave her side,
Then .. he took her to watch a movie and to break the ice,
It was a romantic movie and he was amazed by the young lady's blonde hair and her green eyes,
He was taking care of her as she is his plant,
They sat under the sky ,
They watched the stars together,
He told her that he will never hurt her,
She trusted what he was saying and she promised that she will not let him go,
Days .. weeks and months,
He woke up on a noise and when he opened his window he found her  falling on the street and her leg got hurt and she was bleeding again,
He ran so fast and his heart was beating so fast,
He was scared if she was feeling any pain,
He ran to her and hugged her so tight and asked her to stay with him at his home,
He cooked to her,
She was enjoying what they're doing,
They watched a movie together at his home,
He changed the bandage for her just to make sure that there is no wound,
She was safe .. she was happy,
He was too,
Next day he woke up on a very hot weather,
He realized that he has to put the plant in a safe place,
He went to his balcony to check where is the plant .. but he didn't find it !!
He was scared .. no one was around .. he was alone!!
He was running in his house just trying to find where is the plant,,
He got it .. he found it,
He found it in a safe place at his home when he left it for the same weather circumstances weeks ago or might be months ago,
The plant was tired .. wasn't happy and was hurt,
He put it in a new glass .. a new glass as it is a new life .. put a water for it and was crying that it's sick and it's not glossy,
He tried to call the blonde lady to let her know what happened to his beloved plant .. and how much it is sick,
He tried to call her million and billion times .. but got no answer,
He was worried about her,
He got bad thought what might happen to her,
He reached her home but it seems like she's not there !!
She's not at home and she's not answering the phone!!
Is it a dream or is it a joke?
He kept asking himself,
He knocked her neighbor's door to ask about her,
They answered all of his questions,
They told him that she left him an envelope,
Telling him in that envelope that she's travelling to another city to get married to a rich man who will get her a huge castle and will let her travel the world and she advised him to enjoy his life and to start again also she mentioned that not all people keep their promises which totally was the reason for the pain that he felt while he was reading those painful words,
He was dizzy .. not stable .. he didn't know how can he start .. also wasn't sure that in this phase of his life he can start or not ,
He went home .. wasn't sure what he has to do ,
He went to the balcony to check on the plant .. which is now a dead plant,
Poor man with a pain in his hurt,
His source of happiness has gone already,
He's sorry .. he didn't mean to let it down,
He didn't mean to ignore it and ignore its presence by caring about temporary things in life,
He didn't mean to kill it ,
Now he's in pain and all what he has just two things a dead plant and advise from someone meant a lot to him ,
He started again ,
He got a new plant .. and he promised that he will keep the girl's advise and he'll start all over again,
But this time he will choose his happiness and he know that he's one of those who keep their promises.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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