The Plan

18 1 0

I jump off the couch and decide to construct a plan. I grab my bag and pack a flashlight, a portable charger, batteries and a pocket knife. I then realise that I should probably pack some food and perhaps a bottle of water. Two hours pass and I've heard nothing from the killer and I'm still stressed. Thirty minutes go by and I receive a text from the killer,

"Don't be afraid... after all, I just want to explain..." I decide to go watch some Netflix to take my mind off everything going on. I sit down and start to think about mum. I start to cry again. This is when I make my decision. I'm going to confront this killer, whoever he is and I'm going to make him pay. This is the final straw, no more. I am not going to allow my fear take control of my mind. This is it. After making my decision, I still decide to still watch a movie to pass the time of having to wait to confront the killer.

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