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Heads up, I'm not that educated on Wanda and her powers, sorry! Also, this is meant for Andrew Garfield's spidey, but you can read it however you want!

"Guys! Next time, PLEASE listen to me! You could've gotten killed!" The Avengers screwed up, and they screwed up bad. Spidey had a well thought out plan, that would've assured their victory against the HYDRA agents, but they ignored the plan. And because of their stubbornness and stupidity, they lost and the HYDRA agents got away. "I can't believe you guys! We would've won if you had stuck to the plan!" They all hung their heads in shame. "We're supposed to be a TEAM! And teams don't IGNORE another member's idea when it will WORK!" "Yeah? How are we supposed to work together as a team when you won't tell us who you are! A team is built on trust!" Wanda shouted, "I keep my identity a secret to protect people!" Sam nodded his head, "She's right, Spidey. You should tell us who you are." 

The other Avengers took that as a cue to act. They made a circle around Spidey, and Wanda activated her magic, and with every second it was inching closer to Spider-Man's head. "What do you think you're doing?!" He shouted, "Don't worry, this will only hurt a bit. I'm just going to take a peek into your mind, it's a trust exercise." As soon as one tendril of magic brushed against his forehead, he jumped into action. He swept Clint's feet from under him and punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. He webbed Hulk to the ground, and hit Cap in the face with his shield, making him unconscious. Natasha and Bucky were watching this all play out from their perch on a rock, they trusted Spider-Man so they didn't participate in trying to out him. He damaged Tony's suit beyond repair, and ripped off one of Sam's wings and knocked him flat of his back, where he stayed. He webbed Wanda to the ground and asked Thor, who was watching the scene with a box of poptarts, to kindly move away so he could make his escape. "Next time, I won't go easy on you!" Spider-Man called down to them while swinging away, "HAVE A GLORIOUS REST OF YOUR DAY, MAN OF SPIDERS!" Thor boomed while grinning like an idiot. He turned back to the Avengers, "I like him." Before swinging his hammer and getting launched into the sky.

 The Avengers grumbled in annoyance as Bucky and Natasha finally freed them. "That was unnecessary." Clint whined, "and we didn't even learn anything about him!" Wanda brushed her hair out of her face, "not exactly." the other Avengers turned to her, confusion plainly written of their faces. "When my magic toughed him, I got all the memories I could. I haven't watched them yet, I just stored them. When we get back to the tower we may take a look at them." Clint and Sam ran back to the Quinjet, shrieking to go as fast as they could, and the other Avengers followed the two children.


Finally, they had all gotten back to the tower. Too excited to change out of their suits, they had gone to the training room and grabbed the hands of each other, forming a circle. "Is everyone ready?" Wanda asked, a chorus of "yeah's" filled the air, Wanda took a deep breath, and the Avengers delved into Spider-Man's memories. 

The memories began with a simple one, a young boy and his parents sat on their couch, and they were taking a family picture. "Well, this isn't too bad. I bet the little kid is Spidey." Clint said, and the others nodded in agreement. The scene changed, it was of the parents smiling down at their son proudly while the boy was doing his homework quietly. The scene changed again, but this time, the family wasn't peaceful. It was storming outside, and the father was scrambling around his office, grabbing all the papers he could, then grabbing his wife's free hand while her other hand was holding their child. They ran outside to their car, "where are we going?" The child asked his parents, "it's okay, Peter, you'll just be staying with your Aunt May and Uncle Ben for a while until mommy and daddy get back from their trip." The mother sniffled while looking back at her son, her eyes red and puffy, "I thought you guys were staying home for a while?" The boy pouted. A tear slipped down the woman's cheek, "it's just a surprise trip, that's all."

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