Chapter 10: Back To Square One

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Amy is smiling, her cheeks red. Her clothes were clinging to her still damp body, and her hair was soaked, the only scent from both of us was chlorine, the smell filling the warm car and yet we were still happy as hell. I felt like something in my chest was lighter, though really not much had changed. I looked at Amy and she giggled, looking away. It was so odd. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"W-What's so funny?" She said with a beautiful smile on her face. 

"I... This... Tonight is not what I had planned." I snickered and pushed my damp hair back from my face.

"W-Well, some of the best things are u-unplanned." She glanced at me, her eyes searching mine. "I-I do have a question about what happened w-when we... Ya know." Oh God, she has a question; I hope I didn't disappoint. It wasn't exactly what either of us had expected but-- "D-Did you leave the condom on purpose? So y-you didn't have to um... use it?" 

Okay, that could've been way worse. "I didn't think we would be needing it." I slipped my seat belt on and started the car, "Did you?" 

"D-Did I what?" 

"Think we would need it? Because I'll have you know that I am not that type of guy!" I laughed, driving through the street, which had been freshly blanketed in snow. I took a turn past the dead-end that headed to the forest. 

"N-No! Of course not! I mean, I-I don't know... I don't think I did?" I could see her glance at me from the corner of my eye. "T-To be completely honest... " 

And suddenly the car wasn't moving. We didn't stop, we hadn't hit anything, everything but me just stopped. I looked behind us--


Oh, c'mon--

I looked forward and before I could react, I had been grabbed by my throat through my windshield. There was no shattering sound as I was pulled out of my car, no spray of glass as I was slammed into the ground. Everything was blurry, but soon I could focus on what was right in front of me. A pure white knight, an angel, squeezing my throat tighter until I could no longer breathe. "Get... Off..." I choked out, but they didn't even seem to notice. Their blue eyes were hurting mine, though that really wasn't as bad as the lack of oxygen. I tried to force out my armor, but nothing. It came out of my skin but it immediately retreated as it made contact with the angel's armor. I can't think... I looked around the frozen landscape, yet there was nothing. I clawed at the angel's forearm... Nothing to help me, nothing to stop this. I could feel myself start to lose consciousness...

"You should've just joined us. We could've taught you so much, but instead, you decided to spend your time with traitors and useless little angels." The voice was soothing... So... soothing...

Oh, God... Life is flashing in front of my eyes... Or at least the last week...

Amy being kidnapped... Waking up in my armor... Meeting the team... Totto throwing the light grenade into Jack and Tommy's room... Wait. 

I forced my armor into my palm and held it up to the angel's face. Then it went off. I know it went off, but it didn't blind me. The angel flinched and its grip weakened enough for me to breathe. I wrapped my armor around my fist and punched the angel in the chest with all my might. There was a God almighty crack, and they fell back. Now was my chance. I got up, my legs wobbly beneath me. My armor was already encasing my body in its protection. I looked around--


I was flying through the air, the whiplash making me dizzy. I had been hit in the back, sending me tumbling down the street, my flailing limbs tearing up the snow-covered asphalt as I slid to a stop. It didn't hurt, but this was really ruining my night. I got up and looked back at the car and they were standing in front of it, about a block away; their blue eyes shining through the frozen snow. "Why are you doing this? What have I done to you?" I said, walking towards them slowly.

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