Another Bothersome Message

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Hey there fans.

I mean, you, the reader, are my fan right? Not the whirly type you use to cool down, right? Because if you aren't, then, I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and I will k-- I mean--- throw a fridge at you.

So... *makes weird shy gestures and uses astarics like a role play weirdo*... I know I have been slacking off... but you should all expect that. I am a busy teen in school with some bad procrastination issues, but I'll tell you about that later...


Get it?

Procrastination... like how you always put something off until it's too late....

I'll tell you later....


Dont come to me for jokes. I clearly don't see you laughing yourself out of your seat. Maybe because I'm not where you are, perhaps. 

Back to the subject, I never really EVER finished a story I started. With this one, I'll try, but my school blocked wattpad so that will be annoying. I guess too many kids were reading vampire romance stories, those mangy old things...

But anyways, I apologize for any wait...

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