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I Niya Lennar.....what should I write in the introduction of the form??
Fine. Keep cool.

An esteemed student for the last 13 years and now on threshold of fulfilling my long cherished dream of leading my school with the coveted title of "head girl" sounds thrilling but renders me to execute my duties effectively keeping in mind that trust and hope bestowed over me by my teachers and fellow students.

I have been brought up with the values of standing for the "right" and helping all. The school is just a second home to me and I share a healthy, friendly and dependable relationship with my juniors, seniors and peer groups.

All my respected teachers accept me as an honest, reliable, dependable, consistent, regular and hard working student and with these qualities, I wish to carry forward the work of my position.

I believe the most important role of life is to assimilate the idea of all group members and then deliver the best for the institution.

The unity of a group and it's faith in its leaders can do wonders and this is what I want to follow.

Perhaps this must be enough for the write up.
Next day of school.

I submitted my form to the council and came back to my class.

Mrs. Bave was announcing something.

" I want a short play ready for the exhibition. Who can write a script for it?"

"I can ma'am ", Rafe said.

"You alone will write the whole script? Niya, will you help him to write it?"

" Y..yes ma'am I will."

"Good I want the script by tomorrow , make it short and simple."

Oh my god!! I will work with him? Not again. I can't handle his arrogance in front of me. And now I have to bear him for the whole day!
God ......what the hell is happening in my life?

Fine I have to do this....whatever it takes.

We both started to work from the next period. We decided to do our work in the library.

" Listen , before it starts .....I just want to apologise for everything I have done to you. I don't want to hurt you.....but now we are in the same team and can we just forget our differences for a while?", He asked me but still I could see in his eyes he was not feeling guilty.

" Fine ..... I'm forgetting everything..but don't think I have forgiven you. And please I have one condition .."

" I accept..... whatever is it."

" Listen first... I don't want Jessie or Shank hanging around us until we finish our work. Deal?"

" Deal."

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