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I was back to my house after a big fight day. My mom saw me and probably guessed it that nothing was going right in my life.


I went inside my room and locked myself. I was in my own world. The kingdom I built for myself...alone...lost.

My phone buzzed.

It was the class group.


" Wow!!" I exclaimed.

After so much can I face the interview ?

" Niya are you okay? Open up." Mom knocked my door.

I opened the door .

She came in and tears started to pool in my eyes.

" Hey I know it's bad .....but it's okay."

" How do you ...."

" Nash called and told me what happened today."

She took me in hug. I cried .....for like at least an hour.

It's true that Moms are the best advisors.

And so I told her all the facts about Jessie...her play .....her pawns.'s was so hectic!

" Baby...I know this whole council thing is so important for you....but you should not forget who you the real Niya , don't change. You are genuine not plastic. And about Jessie or Rafe or Shank.... Remember one thing...
We all are bad in someone's story.
You criticise them in yours...they will do you in their's."

" But mom...I want to contest for the post in fair manner...but they always try to defame me so that my reputation is degraded......this all stuff humiliates and discourages me."

" I know how it feels... but this is what they want . They are testing your tolerance and if you don't want them to annoy you...just throw them out of your whole system. I know you created a big mess today...but tomorrow you have a great opportunity..don't waste it, make it count."

My phone buzzed.

Shank was calling me.

Fine. This is what he wants....then he should have .

" Thanks for the pep talk mom...but I really need to take this call."

" Okay...I ma going me if you want."

" Bye mom. "

She departed and I took the call.

" Hey Niya."

Keep cool .

" Hi Shanky!! Wassup? Did you miss dial my number?"

" No. I just want to confess something to you."

Oh no! Last time someone confessed:
Result- Breakup and my hulk enraged.
Now what? I become Scarlet Witch after loss of her Vision?

" Fine...shoot. "

" The break up news was a bluff. What they exactly wanted they had it . I actually figured it out"

What the hell...! Just keep cool.

" Thanks... anything else Sherlock Holmes?"

I said sarcastically .

" You don't have to say like should actually feel honored for what I told you."

" Honored? Can you even spell that word and for heavens sake why the hell are you bullshitting me if you can only mock me with  your sycophantic personality  standing beside your bitch?"

" You think I am a sycophant? Pretty good . But this sycophant had to tolerate humiliation after we became the rumored couple and that was done by the bitch herself."

" Why the hell should I trust you.... still you are a sycophant..."

" Actually ...I wanna join forces with you.  Same intention but different job."

I thought for a moment.

" I have conditions..."

" Say it."

Let's be straightforward.

" Before I say be specific..what exactly are you planning to do Shank?"

" I'll tell you but say your conditions."

" Listen...I will be in your whole avenging  plan...if and only all my friends that are Nikki, Nash , Shelby, Debrov and....Adam are included. And you will tell me all your intentions before commencing the war. Most importantly....if you ever tried to double cross me I will kick your ass even worse than what I did today with Rafe and Jessie. Deal?"

He didn't spoke for a few moments and then he stated.

" Deal. Let the havoc happen."

Call was over. Fully disconnected.

But one mode was still on.

Call Recorder.

If he tried to cheat me...then this recording will be on.

The war had begun . But now it can be only won through Words.....not by Arms.

War Of The HeadsWhere stories live. Discover now