Chapter 62

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"Surume pull the ship along!" Luffy ordered.

We stopped when a rumbling sound came from underneath us and the sea went red making everyone feel uneasy.

"The volcanoes are erupting," Nami told us what is going on.

"I think moving right now would be the best thing to do" Hiriko suggested while shaking and Nami had already yelled out orders to get the ship moving so Surume started running in the other direction quickly.

"What is with him?" Zoro asked, and we saw Sanji was looking at pictures of all the girls in the crew including me.

"Its rehabilitation!" Chopper declared.

"I see I just hope it helps I don't wanna die by being drowned by his nosebleeds," I said while looking out wanting to see an eruption.

"I wanna see an eruption," Luffy was with me staring out.

"Same but from a very far distance," I agreed.

"Why?" Luffy asked curiously.

"We don't die," I said the obvious answer.

"Didn't think of that" Luffy mumbled.

"You never think" I laughed making him laugh.

There was a giant eruption shooting lava up and making a red light cast upon all of us "That's too much lava!" Hiriko screamed, she hugged Chopper and he hugged her.

"The magma is flowing this way!" Nami alerted us and the temperature rose.

"TO HOT!!" Lukia whined.

"You're to slow Surume!" Usopp yelled.

"He's doing his best!" I yelled at him "You are doing amazing Surume!"

"Just keep going straight!" Nami ordered of him and we made it to a giant drop-down all you can see is black.

"Fishman Island is down there?" Hiroko asked her and Nami nodded.

"NO!!" She screamed along with Chopper and Usopp.

"Leap in Surume!" Luffy yelled.

He did just that as another eruption happened just behind us causing boulders to fall down with us. Surume dodged them and Zoro was gonna jump out of the bubble to destroy the boulders but he somehow got lost mid-air and hit the deck face first.

"That is somehow impressive" I mumbled as he slowly got up and tried to go out again.

Robin stopped him "We are eight thousand meters below the surface! The water pressure will kill you!"

Usopp then shot something out and tons of seaweed appeared stopping the boulders giving us enough time to get away.

"Amazing!" Luffy shouted with stars as his eyes.

"Usopp you're awesome!" Chopper complimented him.

Surume was able to get us out of the way in time, but we didn't notice one boulder that got Surume on the head knocking him out making all of us sink.

"Oh no Surume" I felt awful for him.

"THINK ABOUT YOUR SAFETY!!" Usopp yelled as we started falling quickly.

We all blacked out at some point and woke up on the seafloor somewhere. There was somehow sunlight, and we could see Fishman island above us in an enormous bubble, Surume was okay as well and he lifted us up.

"We made it!" Luffy announced.

"Mermaids! Mermaids!" Sanji and Brook danced.

"That's all they thinking about" I sighed as Sanji is now dying from another nosebleed.

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