Final Goodbyes

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Edd, expecting Tom to sulk in his room for several days, was surprised to see him walk out of the kitchen, his face sporting a happy glow. Slung over one arm, he had a black backpack, and in his other hand he held a small bottle of Smirnoff, not enough to even cloud his judgement. As usual, he wore the same blue hoodie and black sweats, but they didn't smell. The hoodie was sweetly scented, and not a single trace of body odor followed his friend around the house.

"Hey! Edd! Just the man I was looking for!" Tom practically yelled, his voice overflowing with happiness. Had he really gotten over it so fast? Only time will tell.

"Hey, Tom..." Edd began, sounding very confused. Then he spotted the bottle of Smirnoff. "How many of those have you had?"

Tom gave Edd a puzzled look, then came to his realization. "Ooooooh, yeah! None, actually. I'm as sober as I've ever been! Anyways, I'm leaving for Starbank." Then all excitement dropped from his voice as he became more calm and slightly stern. "I just thought it would be nice to say goodbye."

Edd was so confused, but went along with it. "Ok then, goodbye, I guess?" He gave a slight wave and then turned towards the living room, his back facing Tom.

"Ah, don't leave it like that!" Tom exclaimed. "Give me a hug."

Edd was confused past the point of no return now. Tom was never a hugger, but now he was practically begging for one? Nothing made any sense to Edd anymore. "Uh, sure...?" He said, slowly turning around to give his friend a light hug. But Tom wrapped his arms around  Edd and embraced him tightly. The confused boy soon followed suit, pulling Tom closer, returning the favour.

Hi, this is TordLikesAnime. Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Anyways, this isn't Tomedd stuff here. Ok, thanks, you can get back to the story!

Edd rested his chin on Tom's shoulder, now becoming slightly worried. Then he remembered how much he's changed over the several years. As the embrace carried on, all of Edd's worries drifted away. Then Tom stood on the tips of his toes, reaching his head to Edd's ear. "I love you. Never forget that." He whispered, his empty eyes becoming full with tears. Then he broke away from Edd, reaching an arm up to wipe his eyes. "I'll miss you." Tom said, while walking out the door.

He wandered a few streets down, stopping at Matt's parents to say a less emotional goodbye to Matt.

After a few more minutes of walking, Tom reached the bus shelter. Tom unzipped his backpack, and pulled out his black headphones. They wern't really his for say, but Tord had left them for him. Soon, his dear friend Edd would have them.

After shuffling his music, Tom ended up listening to the song that brought the boys together. 'When you give me those Ocean Eyes'. He could practically hear Tord singing. It won't be long now, Starboy...

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now