Chapter 4: Reverso

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(Y/N): "I want mine with some chocolate chunks, chocolate sauce and a cherry on top."

Twilight: "And... can I get mine with extra oats?"

Mrs. Cake: "Oats?"

Twilight: "Uh, scratch that. However you normally make it is fine."

Cup Cake then got a look of suspicion on her face, but sets the drinks down anyway. You then pay for the drinks. You then head to your table with the other. Twilight follows but she bumped into Flash Sentry, spilling her drink all over his shirt.

Twilight: "I am so sorry, I didn't see you there!"

Flash: "It's alright, hey you're the new girl that (Y/N) introduced me to."

Twilight: "Yep, that's me and (Y/N)'s over there.", as she said pointing to where you are.

Flash then look where you are and then look back to Twilight.

Flash: "Okay then, I guess the rumors are true about you and (Y/N), you two are competing for the crown."

Twilight: "So, would you vote for me?"

Flash: "Heck ya, (Y/N) is my best friend."

Twilight: "Thanks Flash."

Flash: "No problem, hey, did you two do anything funny in bed last night?"

Twilight blushes and twirl a bit of her hair.

Twilight: "No, we just slept together in the same bed, nothing sexual."

Flash: "I figured, (Y/N) is not ready for dating."

Twilight: "Okay."

Flash: "I thought it was too good to be true, (Y/N) sometimes doesn't know people who really like him, I wouldn't have guess that you and him do anything in bed."

Twilight's thoughts: "I wish we did."

Flash: "Well then, see you at the Formal.", as he said walking away.

Twilight then heads to the table where you and the girls are.

Rarity: "What steamy subject were you and Flash talking?"

Twilight: "Steamy?"

(Y/N): "You know, like hot or romantic."

Twilight blushes as she looks down at you. She avoids eye contact to make sure that you don't notice.

Twilight: "It's nothing."

Rarity: "Anyways, (Y/N) you need to keep a low profile to keep yourself hidden from Sunset Shimmer."

(Y/N): "It's pretty hard to miss someone with a special watch, a mood ring, and a fishhook necklace. I'm pretty sure anybody will spot me, especially girls and I don't know why it's hard to find a way to hide myself."

All the girls blushed because they know why.

Rarity: "Well, we can think of something."

Applejack: "All right, girls. Dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named princess. Right now, folks only know the Twilight from the videos Sunset Shimmer posted online. We need to help 'em see her differently."

You and the girls think for a moment

Rarity: "I'VE GOT IT!"

Then everyone turn their attention to your table. Rarity blushes out of embarrassment and clears her throat.

(Discontinued) Love on the Tracks: MLP Eg harem x male Citrakayah ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now