Chapter 15: The Hangout

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It's been 10 days since the Battle of the Bands, you're hanging out with the girls at the statue. You found a video on your Omnitrix, and yes it can use the Internet as well as the Extranet.

(Y/N): "Hey, look at this video I found on the internet."

The girls laughed from the video.

Adagio: "So basically, the manlier the name, the girlier the glass."

Rainbow: "Those guys now how to make us laugh."

Aria: "I like the part with the plastic head."

The girls got a confused look at Aria.

Aria: "It makes a practice dummy for kissing while having the benefit of a good beer."

Sunset: "Why did you bring that up?"

Aria: "I maybe a siren, but I'm not gay."

Adagio and Sonata: "Same here."

You then look through the internet on your Omnitrix and see a page that has Skurd and the Omnitrix as a 10 million dollar reward for anyone who finds it and take it the HYDRA. You then see Taskmaster on the page.

(Y/N): "Oh great, HYDRA wants the Omnitrix for 10 million dollars for the first one to get it, and the best mercenary is after that kind of loot."

Twilight: "Who?"

(Y/N): "Taskmaster, the mercenary that can copy an entire move set just by looking at you, he's such a pain to fight against, I used Brainstorm to fight him, it took 5 hrs to beat him and I had a headache after that."

Then Pinkie has came up an idea.

Pinkie: "I got an idea, Sonata and I should protect you from Taskmaster."

Sonata: "And siren magic can be used by one."

(Y/N): "I don't know, Taskmaster is really dangerous, he fought the Avengers a few times."

Pinkie and Sonata: "Please?"

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Sonata and Pinkie: "Yay!"

Rainbow: "Anyways, the new Daring Do book is coming out at the Daring Do Convention, Daring Do and the Swamp Monster, and I want it signed by A.K. Yearling herself."

Applejack: "I was going to ask (Y/N) for help at the farm, we need an extra set of hands."

Rarity: "I was going to ask him to model some outfits."

Twilight: "I was going to ask him to take me to a place where I can understand this world better."

Sunset: "I was gonna ask (Y/N) to hang out with me."

Adagio and Aria: "Me too!"

Fluttershy: "I was gonna ask (Y/N) to play catch with a frisbee in the park."

(Y/N): "Okay how about this, I'll hang with Pinkie and Sonata today. Tomorrow will be Rainbow Dash's time to get a signature on her book. Then I'll hang out with Sunset, Adagio, and Aria at my house. Then I'll help out Applejack at the farm. Then I'll go to the park with Fluttershy to  hangout. Then I'll head to the boutique to model Rarity's outfits. Then finally, I'll take Twilight to a place to help her learn more about the human world. Seems fair?"

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