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"Oh, fuuuck offff!" Chris groaned at his alarm clock the next Thursday. It screeched at him until he punched it, and then he punched it some more even though it had shut up already. 

For a great deal of time, he considered skipping work and sleeping some more. But he couldn't, and tomorrow would be the start of a week off. He had just gotten a raise that he had had to work his ASS off for and decided to celebrate it by not being paid for a while. Ironic? Maybe, but still, he had earned it. A week of sleeping in and being lazy was exactly what he needed.

He groaned as he grabbed his clothes for a shower and continued grumbling as he brewed his coffee. Being tired meant being profane. Until the caffeine kicked in, swearing was what kept him fueled- or at least mostly sane.

He hopped into the shower and then, just as quickly, out, then brushed his teeth after finally having his cup of coffee.

He got ready quickly and then glanced down as his phone buzzed. He picked it up.

Hey. I had a good time at the mosh.
 Maybe you could come to this one, too? It's on Saturday again, of course.

Chris stared down at the message for a few moments, feeling his cheeks slowly heat up. He quickly shook his head and effectively ruined his just-brushed hair.

He had just met Luca last week. For god's sake, he barely knew anything about him except for the fact that he was hot. But when he thought of those eyes, those muscles, that goddamn voice he used sometimes...

"Fuck," Chris muttered.

Ugh, their relationship was platonic! Why was he thinking about it like this?

...But maybe it was okay because Luca wasn't only hot and confident, but also seemed kind and patient and they had met on Grindr anyways so-
"Fuck off!" Chris snapped to himself as if the thoughts were an unwelcome visitor in his home.

Still, he replied to Luca's text with a yes.

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