Part 1 we murder

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(Welcome to my Gay story and this also does contain the lightest touch swearing so let's get going)

              Edward's P.O.V
It was odd really. I mean me and Al have been dreaming of being state alchemists for years yet we are targeting Some of them to kill yet they have suspicions of us because of a witness we let live. We really are the worst right now. There is another reason we are under their suspensions. At every crime scene of a state alchemist's death, I have written in their blood "PLAY NICE" now when I met one of them they asked me about this case, with them not knowing who I am, I ended the conversation saying "remember to tell your little friends to PLAY NICE" not to mention that the description of my brother was that he was literally a suit of armour as for me; a blonde Boy with a compass tattoo on the left arm.

 At every crime scene of a state alchemist's death, I have written in their blood "PLAY NICE" now when I met one of them they asked me about this case, with them not knowing who I am, I ended the conversation saying "remember to tell your little f...

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Then again they didn't get a good look at me so yeah. Though we only kill certain ones. Those who are against us and our ways of doing right in this world are better off dead. I mean they are the ones who are mentally ill, evil and cold blooded killers in the past but still do it secretly. But tonight we are visiting the man who lets us stay the nights and read his books on alchemy in his own home.

As we approached the house, we stepped inside and no one was there. Me and Al walked towards the sitting room we noticed something burning on the table in the dining room.
"What is it brother?" Al had asked me. I took a closer look.
"That bastard." I had said. That male adult (don't know his name) had been burning the letter that Nina (his daughter) had been sending to her mother or so she thought. By my guess he had been doing it for 2 whole years.

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