07︱crazy friends

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(VIDA's point of view)


"YOU know, Vida, sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can't see."

"Okay. That's it!" I exclaimed, frustration seeping into my voice. "I would rather walk if this is how Eddie is going to behave for the rest of the ride home."

"Calm down, we're almost home," Clyde called from the driver's seat.

"Calm down, we're almost home," Clyde called from the driver's seat, attempting to diffuse the tension.

But it was torture—pure torture. Throughout Wednesday, a lingering sense of unease had settled within me. Something wasn't right, and deep down, I knew exactly what it was.

I hadn't talked to darling, that wonderful person who had entered my life only eleven or twelve days ago. Despite the brief duration of our acquaintance, our conversations had been a source of joy and laughter. And now, the absence of that connection left a void within me.

The second factor that compounded my disquiet was the concern my friends had shown for my subdued state. They had noticed my lack of liveliness and insisted that we attend a party to lift my spirits. Bri, Shawn, and Phoebe had chosen to stay home, but the others were adamant that I shouldn't be left alone.

Oh, and Bri had confiscated my phone, citing my excessive screen time as the reason. According to her, if every glance at my phone were a job opportunity, I would have accumulated more jobs to make me richer than the owner of Amazon.

The party turned out to be a disaster. What was supposed to be a casual high school get-together morphed into a "get-drunk-together" affair. Eddie, Ashley, and Andrew succumbed to the influence of alcohol, with Ashley and Andrew eventually passing out. Eddie, on the other hand, became an unfiltered fountain of words, spewing whatever came to mind.

Finally, we arrived home, and Clyde announced, "We're home." I practically flew out of the car, eager to escape the chaotic mess that had become the ride.

"You've got passed out friends, you know?" Clyde reminded me just as I was about to unlock the door. "But don't worry, I can take care of both of them."

"Thanks," I replied, turning back to unlock the door.

"—if you watch over Eddie," Clyde added, finishing his sentence.

Was he kidding me? Eddie, in his intoxicated state, was notoriously difficult to handle. Nevertheless, since he was awake, I convinced myself that I could manage him.

"Honey, I'm home!" Eddie's voice resonated as soon as I opened the door for him.

I guided Eddie to the kitchen, determined to set things straight. "Sit. I'm going to change my clothes and get some for you. I'll be back in about five minutes, so please, don't do anything stupid."

Five minutes. What could possibly go wrong?

My optimism was swiftly shattered. Four minutes later, I heard Eddie's booming voice yell, "Food is served!" followed by a series of loud banging noises.

This couldn't be good.

"Food is served!" I heard Eddie yell followed by loud banging.

This couldn't be good.

Moments later, the banging shifted to my room door, and I emerged to find Bri, Shawn, and Phoebe glaring at Eddie, who was now banging on his room door expecting himself to come out.

Bri moved towards me, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Please tell me he's normal," she pleaded before shifting her gaze to Eddie. "Please tell me you're not drunk."

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