Chapter Five

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"You were having a nightmare".

Paul gave the lead guitarist a glass of water and the SpaceMan gulped it down.

"I didn't realize it, y'know?

I took out Ace's space bear and gave it to him.

He smiled and held it close to his chest.

"Thanks a lot, curly".

After that, me and Paul climbed back into bed.

The wind was blowing and making creepy noises as it went across the muddy land around it.

I soon felt a chill going down my spine.

And Paul felt the same thing.

All of a sudden, Peter began snarl at something else and we all looked around to try and see what it was that was bothering him.

"Oh my god oh my god"!

He hopped off the dresser and then quickly hid underneath the covers.

I lifted the blankets up to check on him.

"What did you see Catman"?

I whispered quietly so I wouldn't wake Ace and Gene.

Then, the Starchild pulled me closer to him.

"I keep seeing strange looking shadows and they almost looked like our elderly hosts".

He said and then let out a very worried meow.

I stroked his head to comfort him.


....we heard an eerie voice coming from down the stairs that were outside the bedroom door.

It said:

"Who's got my money, who's got my money"? "Whooooooo"? "Whoooooooo"?

That was enough to send Ace running to the bed where me and Paul were sleeping in.

"What in the name of KISStory was that"?

He was shaking a little bit and so was Peter.

Gene sat up after hearing Ace move away from the sleeping bag.

"What the freakin crap is going on"?

He demanded, clearly not happy that something or someone was disturbing the band KISS and their special girl.

"We all heard a deep moaning voice".

Paul explained, getting up from the bed.

I was still frightened about everything that had been going on ever since we arrived at this creepy, old hotel.

"Hey, maybe we should ask our hosts about all this spooky stuff"?

Ace tapped his chin in thought.

"That's a good idea, Space Ace".

I grinned at him, and he chuckled and then ruffled my hair.

Paul held my hand and then, together we all went down the stairs to investigate the entire place.

KISS GOES TO A HAUNTED HOTEL Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin