And the world had been divided into before and ..

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As the boys  wet corpse of a body laid collapsed on the cool floor - quiet slow shuddering breaths raised  his chest up and down - his straining heart desperate against the thin bones of his frame He smiled a little Taehyung was barely a living pe...

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As the boys  wet corpse of a body laid collapsed on the cool floor - quiet slow shuddering breaths raised  his chest up and down - his straining heart desperate against the thin bones of his frame
He smiled a little
Taehyung was barely a living person to smile but he did-
Maybe that was depraved of him
'A history of inappropriate class room behaviour . ' - the tutor had scrunched her eyebrows the report laid out naked  on that small desk between them
"Maybe the class room was the inappropriate one for my behaviour"
"Taehyung if your going to be narcissistic Atleast be witty "
"Why was that ..." taehyung had a cheesy smirk as he drummed his hands against the table "inappropriate ?

The boy was distantly aware of his lungs burning or freezing - truthfully , he had started to lose the difference between things like that a while ago .

His spine miles away seemed to be so heavy it pressed and poked against his skin and muscle tissue onto the hard floor like a weight wanting to rip through .

far away hands tried to shake him to conciousness .begging him and wailing ?

He wasn't really sure

He didn't really care
Taehyung remembered the before clearly ,
That's what he called it in his mind
The before
But it felt like he was wearing blue sunglasses on a sunny day when he thought back  .he could see it so clearly he could feel that warm sun but it didn't seem to reach his skin .
You see there was a before
There was during
Taehyung thought this - his broken body his floating mind - this must be after
Weird , I never planned for an after , He had reassured himself his mind could only fracture so many times
So his corpse of a body would shudder on the floor
And flicker
And whisk away to somewhere with good heating and lillies and no hair bleach

An underwater voice garbled " taehyung? TAEHYUNG !"
Somewhere finally quiet .

he remembered how the sun streaked out of the blinds , Taehyung basking in its warmth as it washed over his then smooth honey skin , Before his tan body turned cold (even when sweaty ) and thinly stretched over his muscles.
He remembered Jimin trying to murder him with a pillow to wake him up - that was funny
it was funny, the way that memories far away were so clear like that (yes maybe the colours were a bit twisted and turned but god ..) .
Even the sun turned cold after awhile .

it was funny how yesterday was already melting off the canvas surface of his mind . it was especially funny, how he didn't just remember the smell of coconut shampoo from what felt like a life ago , he could still feel it wafting down his throat into his rotten lungs .

It was morning like those  , warm skin pressed against soft linen, honey sunlight  and the gentle scent of coconut that lingered in his memory of the before , flashes of it flicking through his mind as hands carried his limp body , lights blinding in his eyes, desperate fingers grabbing at his shirt and screaming melting into a ringing in his ears as he was quickly yanked away .
the touch of safety.
Hands ripped his shirt open
The sun
Screaming and sirens blared in and out
And it went dark
The before

I am your perfection  -( BTs taehyung / v centric abusive manager ) Where stories live. Discover now