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I wish that I wasn't stuck here, but the boy makes half-decent company. I want to go back to my real home. My bedroom window where I can see the entire island. My people, who mostly adored me. Most of all, my mother, who truly loved me and knew that there was good in me, even though I'm a Dark Mirac. My magic doesn't have the ability to make boats though, and that makes me angry. My powers don't build, they destroy. The Light Miracs are the people that build things. I can blast branches off of trees, so that could be useful if the branches don't burn.

"Okay, so I'm confused," the boy said to me. "Why were you being all crazy before? And why are you being so friendly now?"

I can't tell him about my powers. That would be dangerous. I need to be alive, not dead. So I just said, "Some sense got knocked into me." I'm not lying, just bending the brutality a little bit. You know, kind of like not cussing around small children so that they're innocent for a little while longer.

"Oh," he just simply replied. He knows that he needs to be careful about what he says to me. He's smart. Be like the boy. He's clearly confused by me, and he's also a bit freaked out. I don't blame him. I would be scared of me too (I kind of am when my powers take control of my feelings). He also has a strange curiosity. Like he needs to know everything about me. My past, my lifestyle, and my plans for the future. Ha! Too bad for him, because he can't know about my powers for his own safety.

I'm scared that he's curious about me. No one should be curious about me because it won't end well for them. I'm supposed to be a queen, so it's first nature that I care about my people, even if their father is a traitor. 

In my kingdom, when the newest Royal is born, a child around their age is assigned to be their spouse. The strange thing is, the boy was assigned to marry me. Now that I'm gone, he's supposed to marry the new princess, Anastasia. She's the daughter of another traitor. She loves him to the moon and back. I'll almost feel bad for her when I come back to my kingdom. But the evil part of me wants to kill her. She wants to take everything that's rightfully mine. But she's naive, she doesn't know that her throne belongs to me.

I must admit, my life is confusing. I hate it. I hate the traitors. They made my life miserable. I wish they were dead. Why am I alive? I should be dead. I shouldn't have survived, but here I am. I wish my mother was here with me. I miss her so much. Because of this stranger, I can't cry. I can't scream her name, because he will become curious. He wouldn't understand my pain. He doesn't understand that his own father ... curse his father ... he helped kill my parents. I want to scream, cry, just burst. I can't make my magic explode because he's here. Why is he here? Why can't he leave?

"I'm going for a swim," I say to the boy, and I get up and leave. I go into the water, my back turned to the boy. Tears are rolling down my face. I go underwater, and I scream. I scream out my anger, my pain, my sadness, everything.

I swim back up to the surface, swim back to shore, and the boy is waiting for me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I replied. "Let's get back to work."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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