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(A/N): I don't think I was 100 percent detailed about the kind of  society that emily is living in, so here's just a filler chapter

Narrator P.O.V

Alarick quickly began to realize that he had to become more careful about what kind of people come around Emily.

He was mainly worried that the pack wont even accept her. Not just because of her being an angel, but because of her skin color.

Alarick isn't ashamed of his precious mate ,but the pack might not like Emily being their Queen. Alarick can force respect , but he can't force all of them to like her.

For thousands of years Alaricks  pack has kept interbreeding out of the blood line. It was a tradition that was formed by his grandparents. This would mean a vampire couldn't be with werewolf , and a white man couldn't be with a black woman etc. This caused discrimination to grow with Alaricks kingdom. Discrimination towards race , religon , and species.

One thing council cant control is how he runs his kingdom. Making it a good thing that Alarick was born a Lycan. Its also a good thing that he is a king. This means he could re write the laws of his kingdom.

It's the 21st century and people still have to deal with this.
Racism was just a flaw that he would have to fix in his society.

It is shameful it took him this long to actually consider fixing this problem.

Emily P.O.V.

I heard everything that was said about me. Zamora says its bad to eavesdrop on other people's conversations , but I couldn't help myself.

It hurt me that I would be the odd one out in the kingdom. I just came here and people already hate me.

Alarick came jogging down the stairs with a smirk on his face.

Huge white crocodile tears ran down my face.

"S-Something wrong with Emily?"

"Listen Emily... There will be people who aren't going to like you. It might be because of how you look or what you are , but you don't have to worry about being at the bottom of the totem pole.. You know why?"

I shook my head no.

"Because you are royalty...My Queen. There's no one who can change that."

I stayed quiet until he said something.

"You can hear that far?" he said pointing to the room on the other side of the house.

I shook my head yes.

"What else can you do my love?"

I light smile graced my lips.


We were standing in the middle of the forest. I brought him to the area of what I called home.

"Why did you bring me here little one?"

"H-Home." I whispered.

"You lived here? Where did you sleep?"

I pointed up to the tall redwood tree.

"But how did you?..." He stopped mid sentence , probably realizing the answer to his question.

I saved some things in the tree that I would rest in at night. I wanted to show my mate.

My wings sprouted from where I was standing , ripping through Alaricks once perfect shirt. Causing the shirt to form huge holes in my back making room for my wings , while also keeping me decent.

I flapped my wings as hard as I could to get off the ground , and the power from my wings sent me shooting into the sky like I was shot from a catapult.

I saw Alarick watch me with a smile with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Finally reaching the specific branch that was familiar to me ,  I gathered the variety of things that I had collected and made over the years.

I fluttered my way back down landing gracefully on my feet.

"Beautiful." he said.

I presented him with my fruits and potions. Along with some powders that zamora had formed.

"What are these?" he curiously said pointing at the liquid and the powder

"Medicines and s-spells Alpha."

"You made these Emily?"

I shook my head no

"Zamora made medicines." I whispered.

"Zamora made these , separate from you?"

I shook my head yes.

"She not show me yet."

"What did you use this for?"

"F-For me, when sick."

"I see , so Zamora has a healers abilities. Fascinating. This must be how you've taken care of yourself.”

I shook my head yes and smiled.

There was a sudden loud crunch of leaves that startled us.

Alarick stood in front of me and I heard him growl .

"Get in the trees Emily."

Three wolves stepped out of the bushes , each looking more intimidating than the other. One red , one brown, and one tan

Fear, is all I  fell at the moment.

I quickly listened to his command.

Alarick suddenly shifted into a very large golden wolf! So he is one of them. I've never seen one of  his kind in such a colour.

"You've only seen 3 in all your life my dear.”

"Ooh hi Zamora!" I mind linked. She actually kinda scared me.

I became distracted when a wolf attacked Alarick

One of the red wolves lunged at Alarick with great force.

Alarick dodged it quickly, and plunged his teeth into the brown wolves neck , causing it to crunch and leave the red wolf lifeless on the ground.

The tan wolf than took his turn at Alarick. Trying to claw his nails in Alaricks face.

The tan wolf nicked Alarick underneath his wolfs eye , causing a deep rumble to elicit from his chest.

Alarick quickly quickly ended the tan wolfs life by going for the poor Wolf's throat and severing the wolfs neck.

That left the red wolf which was the biggest one out of the 3 wolves.

They sized each other up by circling around each other until finally Alarick lunged at the wolf. The fight carried all the way into the bushes to where I couldn't see them and only hear them.

Not even a minute later I  hear a loud yelp and a quick brutal crunch.

I've never seen so many animals die at once.

Alarick walked out of the bushes with blood stained and dripping from his face.

He walked over to a near by pond and began cleaning himself in his wolf form. He suddenly looked up at me and motioned in a way where I knew it was safe to come down.

I flew down to him and cautiously walked towards him.

His wolf turned back around from the pond and walked towards me.

I was terrified as what was to come. There was still a little blood on his teeth.

The large beast laid down and looked up at me


His wolf smiled a wide smile and began wagging his tail.

I giggled lightly and stroked his soft blond fur.

"Your so big!"

After I got comfortable with his wolf , we quietly walked home together.

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