Alarick's P.O.V
I woke up and noticed that Emily wasn't beside me.
I got concerned and followed her scent downstairs. I heard her before I saw her.
She was a giggling mess and there was a playful growling noise. It Sounded like Michael.
"Okay...Okay , you win!" She cracked up.
Michael was in his wolf form , playfully nipping and gnawing on Emily's leg.
Once getting to know each other, they've become the bestest friends, but my wolf didn't like the scene that was happening in front of him. The thought of him hurting her by accident, upset him.A deep growl elicted from my chest.
Michael suddenly stopped his actions and looked at me. Emily caught her breath from laughing too hard.
While Michael was distracted , Emily jumped up and let her wings fan out from behind her.
She quickly pushed herself forward and held one of the horns on her wings to Michaels throat.
The horns on her wings matured significantly. They were long and sharp enough to behead a full grown wolf.
"I win" she laughed in an evil way.
She smiled menacingly and an evil gleam danced in her eyes. Holy shit she looks like her mother.
I couldn't hold in my laughs.
"Bravo Emily!"
Emily and I laughed histarically , while Michael looked a little scared.
Emily's sharp horn was moving erratically. Centimeters away from peircing the poor wolfs neck.
"Okay , that's enough Emily. Let's go eat, I know your hungry"
She put her wings away and got excited.
"Strawberries." She whispered to herself.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen.
She was feeling much better. Her scars went away , and her back didnt hurt at all. It's like that gruesome night didn't even happen.
"C-Can I have the chia seeds today?" She blushed and looked away.
One thing about Emily is that she was very food conscious when I met her. She hates when People watch her eat and for some reason she is still a little shy when it comes to asking for food.
She's become more comfortable around me with some of these things , but it's still a work in progress.
"You can have whatever you want , little one."
When I was done preparing her food. I placed it infront of her.
"Are you ready for your introduction to the pack?"
She played with the fork and looked at me with soft eyes.
"Mmm. No." She stated very blandly.
She was excited about it a couple days ago. I feel as if Zamora said something to her.
I sighed.
"You were excited 3 days ago.Did Zamora say something to you to make you change your answer?"
She looked at me with squinted eyes.
Great now she lies.
"Don't lie to me Emily. Let me speak to her."
She jolted up and looked at me. She waved her hands in front of her in a attempt to stop me from asking.
"No Alarick! She doesn't want to talk to you!"
"Oh really. She doesn't have anything to do with why you don't want to be introduced."
"Emily! Covering for Zamora will only get you in trouble. Let me speak to her."
She shuddered at my Alpha voice and her eyes immediately rolled in the back of her head. Zamora was present.
"What do I owe you this favour , Darling?"
She skipped up to me and reached up for my face.
I grabbed her arms before they could touch me. I looked at her. Playing the charmer , won't get her anywhere now.
Her smile fell.
A hard frown set on my face.
"I told you ,I'd protect you didn't I?"
Did she think I was incompetent of my role as Alpha?
"Do you doubt my ability to protect you?"
She sighed and looked away.
"Telling me it's okay , doesn't lessen my fears. I'm just Deathly afraid Alarick. I know your more than capable to protect me. Emily has never been exposed to those kinds of people."
I nodded my head understanding. She didn't want Emily to hear what they thought about her.
"We can't protect her forever. We have the rest of eternity to live together. She'll be exposed to everything eventually."
"I know..."
"We've put this off long enough. People will begin to doubt your power."
"I'm not promising to be civil Alarick. I can't promise anything close to good if there's disrespect. I won't tolerate it. I have to assert my dominance."
I kissed her forehead lightly.
"You do what you have to.”

Alphas Angel
WerewolfEmily is an angel shifter. Emily's parents died when she was 4. Ever since then, her grandparents took care of her all the way till she was 7. After all of her family leaves her by herself, she fends for herself for 12 years. With only her angel, Za...