Chapter 2: Chase of the Eon

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After recovering from her recent panic attack, (Y/N) retrieved her Pokémon and decided to meet with Tucker outside the Battle Dome. Like always, Tucker was immediately swarmed by fans the minute he was outside. (Y/N) struggled to hold back a few giggles. It was sweet watching Tucker trying to please adoring fans. His focus changed when his eyes spotted (Y/N) a few feet away.

"Ah, do beg pardon everyone, but there is an important matter I must attend to now," he addressed, "Toodles!"

She tried everything in her power to stifle a laugh down her throat. Hearing the flamboyant entertainer saying "Toodles" as his farewell address was both adorable and hilarious. The crowd let out a disappointed 'aww' before dispersing as Tucker made his way over to her.

"Hello there. (Y/N), was it?" he greeted, giving her a beaming smile.

"Yes, t-that's right." (Y/N) responded shyly.

"I've never gotten the chance to get to know my fans personally. This will be quite exciting!" he said, sounding like a little kid. (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle a bit at Tucker's carefree spirit.

"So... What did you have in mind..?" she asked.

"I want to take you to some of my favorite places in the Hoenn region," he answered bluntly, "I know you've probably already been to so many places and have met so many people in Hoenn, being the champion and all... but I'd like take you shopping and just keep you company."

(Y/N) pawned it over for a bit. She remembered how things were before she became Champion. It was just her and her Pokémon, wandering through Hoenn without a care in the world. Nowadays, her and Swampert could barely make it five feet without running into a crowd of reporters, looking to get an interview with the new Champ. On top of that, because of them, she lost sight of a rare Pokémon that she was going to capture with the help of her trusted Shiny Crobat, but it flew away when Crobat got distracted by the crowd and dispersed the Mean Look effects.

"I-I don't know, Tucker..." she responded, "I mean... The most popular entertainer, alongside the Hoenn region Champion..? Won't we attract a lot of attention..?"

"Hmm... You're right..." Tucker inquired, bringing one hand to his chin as he began to think with his arms crossed.

"H-How about this..?" (Y/N) suggested, wanting to be alone with Tucker more than anything, but also still pursuing that rare Pokémon that got away. "I'm looking for a particular Pokémon around Hoenn... Maybe you can help me look for it and keep me company at the same time."

Tucker looked at her suspiciously for a brief moment, as if he was going to say no, but then he grinned at her, "Oh my! A chase for an ultra rare Pokémon with my adoring fan who's also the Champion? How could I say no?!"

(Y/N) blushed at the thought of her and Tucker being alone together while they were tracking that Pokémon down, but in her mind, it would be worth it if she could just be alone with Tucker.

"But I don't want you to overwork your Pokémon so we'll be flying on my Salamence while we search." Tucker stated firmly, "Together."

(Y/N)'s eyes flew wide open when she heard Tucker's statement. A romantic flight on the back of a Pokémon, with Tucker?! This had to be a dream. Tucker smiled at her softly while tossing his Dragon Pokémon out of its Ultra Ball. It let out a few quiet growls and sniffed the new trainer in front of it, suspicious. When it ultimately decided that it liked its trainer's new companion, it lowered its body so they could climb on its back.

"Ladies first," Tucker said, bowing like a gentleman. (Y/N) wasted no time in climbing onto Salamence's back. At first, she assumed that Tucker would be the one perched in front to direct Salamence, but when Tucker took a seat behind (Y/N), she became a bundle of nerves.

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