The arrival Part 2

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Previously on the last chapter...

Stevens POV

Welp this I said aloud..

I took the ship in for a landing ... It was a pretty safe and smooth landing..

I was still thinking about my home planet.. And my ex-family... There was anger in the pit of my guts...but also sadness...

because even though sometimes garnet and pearl are selfish there still apart of my family.. I remember how pearl was so overprotective of me and how she used
to call me her "baby". She was like a mom to me... And how garnet used to call me her "cutie pie"

I remember ruby and sapphires wedding and at the end they fused back into garnet!

I'm gonna miss Amy though she was like a sister to me... Lapis and peridot were like my cousins.. And I'm gonna miss Connie as well even though

I'm still kinda mad about how she treated me after I sacrificed myself to homeworld for her... But no matter what she will always be my best friend and jam bud!

I'm gonna miss my dad and how he used to call me his "Shtu-ball" and how he would ruffle my hair and how he used to call me his "kiddo"
An how we used to have hose fights at the carwash....

And I'm gonna miss Stella star buddwick... *tears blurred my vision* She...She *blushes* She was very nice and She was like me we both were hybrids and we both
had a lot in common.. She was my everything! She was the sun and I was the moon... I felt like I could relate to her... Physically and mentally and emotionally...

She was like my girlfriend.. *blushes more but then another tear comes to my eye and rolls down my already tear stained cheek...*

*sighs heavily* Welp maybe I could start a new chance at life on homeworld with the other diamonds.. I'm not so sure if I could convince yellow and white..
But maybe blue might be willing to hear me out...

Finally after I landed the ship I exited the ship out of the heel... And I was met with the sight of million of gems who I don't know or recognise... I also see the diamond mech.. (Including whites Torso Yellows left arm and Blues right arm or whatever)

The diamonds exited out of their ships to greet me and Blue was grinning and yellow simply smiled I could tell she needed time to get to know me.. But she could deal
with me for a little while and White was still trying to get used to me as well but I could tell she was content with me being here on homeworld with them... White just simply smiled down at me..

Blue: Oh my! I'm so glad you could make it steven! I'm sure it probably took you a long time to get here..

Steven: Oh um not at all.. It actually wasnt that bad I enjoyed the trip here it was nice... Although I do miss earth.. It used to be my home planet

but I'm glad I get to live with you guys!

I beamed I felt so excited to be here I always did wonder what it would be like on homeworld...

Blue: Aww steven that's so sweet of you! And I'm sure Yellow and White are also delighted in the idea of you living on homeworld with all three of us..

Yellow: I'm very delighted in the idea.. However.

I gulped why is there always a catch to these things! Why did she have to say the word "However"!?!?

Yellow: However... You will have to learn the ways of homeworld and how things work around here... Also since pink is your biological mother you will be taking
her place in the diamond authority... Also sense pink is no longer here.. You can used pinks old bedroom and sense your half human we can get you some food from
the human zoo.... But anyways... Sense you are probably still new to this stuff.. Would you like us to give you a grand tour of the place.

Steven: Would I? I would ABSOLUTELY love to have a grand tour!!!!

I said aloud with enthusiasm in my voice. This was gonna be amazing

White: I am very delighted in the idea as well.. But you still have a lot to learn about our ways.. My stardust~

I smiled widely a giddy grin appear on my face but on the inside I still felt sad I miss everyone back on earth maybe one day I'll see them again... but until then I think
I would rather live with blue yellow and white...

A/N what do you guys think? leave your response in the comment section below.

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