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Dave P.O.V

"I love you Lin" I said when I got in front of her. She looks so surprised and seems lost. I didn't blame her, she knows I like her but she doesn't know how and when I fell in love with her. I'm surprised as well, but I'm glad she is the one I fell in love with.
She is the only girl who doesn't fall at my feet and throw herself at me. She also make sure to speak her mind irrespective of the person. I'm one of the popular guys on campus because of my talent in football and basketball, and my good looks, yah I know about it. This makes me the dream guy of every girl on campus... Ok, that's what I thought earlier but Lin proved me wrong that day, at the cafeteria. I'm not sure I will ever forget this day.

"Watch where you are going young lady"
"I'm sorry, I was in hurry" She fumbled
"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, hurry to detention huh, your room on this big campus"
"It's none of your motherfucking business if detention room is my favorite. You don't have any right to talk to me any how you want young man."
I was surprised at how she retorted back but I was not ready to let her win.
"Or else, so you rather have the right to slammed at me with all the force you were running with right?
Answer me young lady"
"I told you I'm sorry for crying out loud. You are just trying to be a dickhead, You know what, I'm on my way to my favorite place as you call it and if you don't mind, I will leave first. And mind you, don't talk so harshly to a girl again because it ain't nice thing to do as a gentleman as you are."
With that, she sped off to the direction of detention room. What the hell does she think she is to talk back at me. On my way back home, I couldn't stop thinking about that ocean blue eyes of her. She is cute and beautiful. What did I just said?
Beautiful.. OMFG, I've never called any girl beautiful. To me, they are all ugly whores. But this girl looks different, there is something about her I can't decipher. I have about three classes with her but I've never talked to her. Yet I thought she knows me since I'm that known in the school.
Since sophomore year, I've been studying her and realized she is not like the other girls. She is always with this guy I later learnt his name is Liam. At first, I thought that's the boyfriend but I was proved wrong when I saw him kissing a guy at the boys washroom. I like her but I didn't want her to know and to be honest, I hate it that she is the one I like out of all the girls yet she doesn't even know of my existence so when she collided with me, I decided to do something that will make her hate me so I can hate her back but it didn't work. The only person who knows I like Lin my best friend, Stanley. I drove home with thoughts of her overcrowding my mind.

The following day, I was enjoying my food when I heard that familiar voice.
I looked up and got back to my food without a word. She didn't get the hint that I don't want her there and continued talking, "I'm Khaellin Sams, care to tell me yours?" I growled internally, what does she even want from me. To make her leave, I decided to tell her my name and ask her to leave but she proved stubborn again and decided to stay.
"So I was wondering how you......" I zoned out, not hearing what she was saying.
I raised my head when she was done talking and realizing she was waiting for an answer to whatever she asked. Not knowing what she asked and what to say, I decided to annoy.
"It doesn't matter how I got to know, now can you please leave me alone, or are you also trying to throw yourself at me?" The facial expression she gave made me know I've gone too far, I didn't mean to say something to hurt her but she was so annoying I couldn't help. Well I was somehow glad too about asking her that, at least it will make me know how she feels about me as well.
"what the hell are you talking about, do I look so desperate to you? Answer me, or do I look like a whore, let me tell Dave or whatever you call yourself, I don't like you and I will never like anyone like you. If you care to know, I'd rather be single forever than to be with someone like you. Dumbass!!!" Her words pierced through me like a sword. She would rather remain single for the rest of her life than to be with me? That was so harsh. What hurts even more is she just walked out of the cafeteria without a single glance at me again. I felt my heart break, I mean she is not my girlfriend who just broke up with me but I've liked her for only God knows when whilst she didn't even know that I exist. And after she getting to know me, she rejected me at my face and in front of almost all the students. I turned and saw some guys laughing at me, anger filled my veins that the next thing I saw was my fist coming into contact with that guy's face.
I hit him so hard that he lost his front teeth at the impact, upon seeing the blood oozing from his mouth, I cowarded. I've never gotten into a fight with anyone since I got into this school, I always try my possible best to stay away from fights and trouble as possible as I can but today, thanks to that girl, I've got into one. This led me to detention room after school. I was praying she will get detention as well so I can apologize with her later, well I don't know why but I felt like I've hurt her but unfortunately, she didn't get detention that day. I regretted saying that to her but it was too late now.
The next day, I saw her with Liam walking towards her locker. I walked up to them and asked Liam to excuse us but to my surprise, she rather walked away leaving me an Liam there.
"Man, what's wrong with you and my friend? I saw her talking to you yesterday at the cafeteria and afterwards, she won't talk to anyone. She even skipped 2 classes and went to her hostel right after gym class. What's going on, or what did you do to her?"
"Liam listen, I want you to help me plead with her okay. I kind of talked to her harshly and I'm sure she got hurt by my words, but believe me I'm really sorry for what I did. Please help me. I know you are her friend and she will listen to you".
"What exactly did you say to her?"
"I will explain everything to you later, just help me to get her to forgive me first"
"You know I can't help you if I don't know what's going on right?" I knew he was right so I told him everything that happened.
I didn't know what he said to her, during lunch she invited me to join her and Liam on their table. I thought I was forgiven so I gave her a warm smile when I sat down of which she returned not knowing it was fake. After lunch, I walked her to the next class, before I left her, she asked if she can see me after school so I promised to see her. Until now, I've regretted ever seeing her after school that day😪. I don't want to remember it, yeah who would?
Well, I endured it and that won me her friendship and now, the love of my heart.
End of flashback

A/n... I'm sorry for the late update, I've been damn busy recently. But I'm hoping to work through it as well.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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