30 Days

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Girl in P.E kicking the ball: Heads!
Me, an idiot: Shoulders!
Me: *gets hit with the ball*


I bet those trigger warnings scare you.

Dear Roman,

If you're reading this, then I have finally decided to take my life. I just want to say that I'm sorry you were stuck with this for a soulmate, must be dissapointed, huh? I just can't deal with everything anymore. No one is okay right now, and I feel pressured to make sure that everyone is happy. The easiest way is to get rid of the problem, me. I'm sorry, if you even care. I just can't deal with you or anyone anymore. You keep sending mixed signals, everyone does. I don't know how to make everyone happy anymore.

Goodbye, and goodluck.


Day One:

Roman entered the hospital room, awkwardly waving to the doctors and sitting by Virgil's bed. He twirled the rose between his fingertips.

"Hey Virge, I officially broke up with Aria today. She didn't take it well that's for sure." He gave a small chuckle, yet stopped when Virgil remained silent. He sighed.

"Why did you do this to yourself Virgil?" He asked no one in particular, placing the rose into the vase that sat on the bedside table.

One rose.

Day Two:

Roman followed Damien and Eve inside, giving a small nod to the nurse stationed besides Virgil. Eve was the first to speak.

"Hi kitty! Your boyfriends here," she let out a nervous giggle. "My teacher complimented my acting skills in drama today! And I didn't cry once. When you wake up I have something really important to tell you." Damien went next.

"Heya Virge, there was this bitch at work who was being such an entitled parent. Maybe we could feature the story on reddit. You'd like that, wouldn't you." A tear or two escaped him as Roman took a seat beside Virgil.

"Hey Virgil. Patton and Logan will be here tomorrow. Not much is happening at school. However some drama kids started a conga line during lunch! We got most of the school involved." He laughed, placing another rose in the vase.

Two roses.

Day Three:

Patton skipped into the hospital room, Logan and Roman behind him. He took a seat beside the bed and bgan talking to Virgil.

"Heya kiddo, how ya holding up? Schools been kinda hectic for me, Aria, Scott, and Hazel still are big old meanies, but I manage! We miss you..." Logan took a seat besides Patton.

"Hello Virgil, while I find it somewhat strange to converse with you seeing as you are not currantly conscious. However Patton believes that it's a good outlet for emotions. We didn't know eachother well but I do care for you. Please wake up." Roman was shocked to see Logan's robotic exterior crack. He took a seat.

"Hey Virgil. I know to you probably hate me and all, but please wake up. Uh, Miss Price wished you her condolensces, so there's that. Infact Talyn was asking if you were okay. So please wake up, there's so many people who miss you." Roman had a small smile, placing snother rose in the vase of water.

Three roses.

Day Four:

"Today Scott and Liam were making fun of you, saying some insensitive things. I remember that you don't like violence unless necessary but I kinda beat the living shit out of them. Sorry Virge. Other than that a kid in P.E got hit with the ball trying to complete heads, shoulders, knees, toes."

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