Choen Love story

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"sorry Cynthia don't be mad but I wanna get to know him he seems like a really amazing and fun person" Chase said while blushing with a smile, "FINE THEN GO ON A DATE WITH HIM THEN" Cynthia said while walking away.
Chase signed and ran over to Noen.


Cynthia seemed mad I hope I didn't ruin their relationship, "h-hey Chase maybe u should go out with Cynthia she seemed mad" Noen said with a frown,, "No, I wanna spend time with u, I wanna get to know you, C'mon let's go I'm starving" Chase said while grabbing Noens hand running with a smile and laughing!.

After dinner me and Chase walked around but it seemed he said something on his mind "Chase you okay, is something on ur mind" Chase looked at Noen to see a worried look on his face "u-uh no it's fine...",,, "Liar C'mon start talking"Noen said still worried.

"H-hey look there's a park let's rest for a bit" Chase said still not saying what was wrong. The two sat in the swings Noen looked over at Chase seeing he was upset "Chase?! What's wrong there is something on your mind that's bugging you, it's not good to hold things in like that" Noen had a worried look on his face "i-im find Noen it's nothing" Chase smiled at Noen but Noen could tell it was a fake smile Noen got up and pulled Chase leading him into his arms for a hug "Chase I'm worried about you please tell me what's wrong"

Chase starting to cry and hugged Noen back while sobbing "it's okay Chase I'm here for you" Noen told chase,,, they stood there hugging for a few minutes untill Chase stopped crying "n-noen?" Chase said shyly "yeah do u feel better" Noen asked? "Yeah I tell you what happened now"

"Before me and you left the hotel and Cynthia came up to me she was mad and it was visible to see that, she got mad that I was going out for dinner with you and not her, and she yelled at me, she is really mad and I don't think she wants us to keep hanging alot, but I wanna stay with you, I wanna hang out with you i-" Chase was introupbed by Noen "Chase do what u wanna do if that means being friends with me and losing her or dating her and losing me, whatever you chose I'll support you because I care about you and want you to be happy...but I don't think Cynthia likes me at all and she loves you and you love her so I think u should stay with Cynthia, we'll room together tonight and tomorrow you stay with her and room with someone el-" "s-stop Noen I don't know about my feelings for her anymore" Chase said while sobbing "I'm sorry I just wanna make you happy and if that means with her then so be it" Noen said with a tear fell down his cheeks and hugged Chase tighter.


When we left that park it was quite we didn't say anything to eachother and it kinda bugged me... Since dinner I've been think if I should break up with Cynthia....i-i don't know if I still love her and wanna be with her...I just wanna be with Noen, he makes me laughing, he is go Sweet, kind, caring and I love his personality he is amazing and so beautiful, I love his eyes, his smile, his voice and his laugh I love everything about Noen...WAIT I LOVE NOEN..?!

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