#32 Level Up?

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Crimson Gold.

This mineral had similarities to gold but wasn't really gold as it was the only one of its kind and extremely rare to find.

And one of the families who had the monopoly over it was the mighty Kyo of Cheol.

Of course, there were rarer and more precious minerals than crimson gold but it had an allure to it that made it so irresistible to precious ornament collectors.

Moreover, the attitude of the family who fashioned crimson gold added to the challenge of acquiring it.

The Kyo family behind Meihua were a bunch of eccentrics, from time immemorial, they only ever sold or gave crimson gold to people they liked at first glance.

It was hard to believe but was also proven when numerous individuals almost threw their inheritance to Meihua but they still refused to budge.

Then, a foreign princess from a small and generally unknown kingdom visited the country and Meihua presented a single teardrop ear-stud made of latent crimson gold to her. The teardrop was surrounded with little rubies, accentuating the rubicund hue.

It was reported that the accompanying words said were: "Our young madam felt a kindred connection with the princess. Please accept this token of friendship. After young madam gives birth, she would like to visit your kingdom."

Countless eyes turned red at this statement, their insides churning in envy but they could only watch as the foreign princess adorned the earring.

However, Ri-yan didn't heed any of their obvious thoughts as he continued.

"I have my very own Muse. The sole reason why I ever only rapped all these years is because my singing voice is solely for her... Leigh, don't be mad at me anymore."

He stared right into the main camera and uttered this with a silent passion which was only evident in his eyes.

The camera witnessed a man humbling himself to win back his lover's heart.

But he alone knew just how much his back was perspiring.

"That's it for this press con today." He and his two hyungs stood up and bowed.

Clover he sneakily touched Ri-yan's back and felt his damp shirt as they were bowing.

He shared a look with Kon, who also understood what he meant.

Kon hyung subtly covered his mouth to act serious while Clover hyung acted like he was fixing his hair.

Ri-yan pretended they were rocks.

When the reporters saw that they were leaving, they started to approach and bombard them with questions.

But the scrawny media people didn't stand a chance against the bodyguards who appeared from who knew where and enclosed the three young masters from all sides.

They really took it seriously when they said they wouldn't entertain questions.

There was no medicine for the regret the reporters felt. If they shut up earlier then, they still could've asked ten questions. But now that the Born Muses officially disbanded and retired, the three young masters didn't have a reason to please the media anymore and they certainly wouldn't stop just for them.

They could only watch with sullen hearts as the three left.

Now, let's sneak a peak to Ah-ri's reaction as she was watching the conference from her apartment.

Her heart grew warm at Ri-yan's first statement. She already roughly guessed his background when she knew that he was the Na family's son-in-law.

The surname Kyo wasn't that uncommon in Sokor but to be related to a family like the Na then his own family wouldn't be shabby too.

But to say words like adopting her to the Kyo family, whether if it was real or just for publicity sake, she was still happy to have such an oppa looking out for her.

But she nearly choked on the banana milkshake she was sipping because of her oppa's last statement.

Hmm, looks like someone finally decided to up his efforts at wooing his waifu.

She thought this while patting her chest.

Anyways, since this issue was settled, she should also carry on with her plans.

Thirty minutes earlier at ME Media Tower...

Three heads were glued at the TV screen.

Lisa, Garrick, and Rami were munching on popcorn while watching the press con.

Re-yee was still behind her desk, her head buried to her work.

The 65-inch smart TV was attached to the wall farthest from her.

The other three were comfortably sitting on the sofa set in front of the TV.

Re-yee took her nephew with her today so he wouldn't be too lonely inside the house as Il-jeong left earlier this morning.

She knew of the matters her brother had to attend to so she allowed Rami to skip class today.

After sending Il-jeong off at the airport, they went straight to the company.

Rami was a quiet kid. He only needed some books or jigsaw puzzles to keep him company.

>A/N: The kid's still 5 y/o though. What kind of parenting does the Na family enforce?<

But when the clock struck 12, Garrick and Lisa entered the office. The former coaxed Rami to request his aunt to turn the TV on.

The oblivious aunt relented which led to the current situation.

"Uncle Michael..." Rami said when he saw Ri-yan's exceptional visage on screen.

From the corners of his eyes, Garrick saw his cousin-boss' head slightly raised from her computer but didn't stay long.

He laughed inwardly.

Garrick lived in the Na estate for the most part of his life. He was a distant Na relative from the province of Bulsajo, the hometown of the whole Na clan.

His father and Lisa's mother were siblings.

The Na clan was very large and the practice of having an overall patriarch was long gone. And not everybody surnamed Na was rich.

Garrick had six other siblings. His father was a drunkard and his mother was a known flirt, for lack of a better term.

He met Re-yee when they were six and he instantly hated her pristine rich kid clothes.


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