Episode 2 // True Source Of A Woman's Power

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"My... what a cute little spirit this is" Rhea spoke, as the "spirit" bounded happily around her, flicking its tail gleefully at the loose fabric pooled around Rhea's legs before sitting next to Asch who in turn was intensely focusing on melting the locked mechanic on the human entrance, glancing annoyed at the spirit as it had finished fluttering and brushing against Rhea's legs.

Upon hearing Asch dramatically slam open the door and Noi's clapping, Rhys spoke up. "Your highness," Rhys started, "was that use of magic really necessary?". "Yes." putting aside Asch's response noticing the 'spirit' leading off inside Rhys announced, "it seems the spirit has allowed us entrance".

"Wow...Cool!" Noi wondered, running off inside with Rhea following silently behind him in case anything happened. "Noi" Asch said, glancing behind him and nodding towards Rhea who smiled slightly and shook her head, hearing the excitement of Noi who sat on the bench admiring the room and spirit. Pierce followed in, placing the human girl on the couch as Asch, Rhys and Leif judged Noi running past with an angry spirit in pursuit "It's not friendly! Hellp!".

"The spirit has decided Noi must die..." Pierce announced. "Good" Asch responded. "Noi.., die in silence. The last thing we need you doing is alerting the nearby humans" Rhys reprimanded silently to himself. Leif and Rhys began talking about the suffering of Noi - causing Rhea to giggle slightly and Asch to tell them enough and to scout the area. Rhea took note of the colorful palette of the building and its structure and how seamlessly mundane of a casual life humans seemed to have, nothing compared to 'home'.

While Leif and Rhys partnered together - soon following a strange flushing sound and scream, Pierce, Asch and Rhea stayed together. "They're trained warriors, I trust they won't get themselves killed, let's investigate this door" Asch sighed, before summoning a flame - preparing to melt yet another innocent doorknob. Shaking her head, Rhea placed her hand on Asch's to prevent him from using his magic unnecessarily in which Asch closed his eyes and lowered his hand. "Stay here, Lady Rhea, we'll go inside - you should watch the human," Pierce suggested. Rhea stared at him and nodded, "Be safe".

Rhea, curious of her surroundings, walked towards the large plain window that bore this world's "civilization" took note of it's beauty closer - how to skies were this light shade of blue, how the buildings were different from Daemos and despite the light being a bit much it warmed her. Unaware of the awoken female on the couch, Noi (who was occupied with being the 'spirits' pillow) noticed her and shouted, alerting the others, "The human is escaping!".

Leif and Rhys blocked her escape and the human ran into the kitchen, welding herself a very large metal dish. "Lower your weapons..." Rhea reasoned, as Pierce, Noi, Rhys and Leif all armed themselves, threatened by the human's defensive strategy.. "Back off, or I will h-hecking scream!" The human shouted out only to be hastily responded to by Leif, "Wouldn't be the first time I made a human female scream" he smirked, glancing back slightly to Rhea who shook her head and flicked Leif in back of the head, "Leif, please!" "I meant- you know what I mean".

"Please don't be afraid of us" Rhea attempted to speak with the girl.

"I thought I dreamed you guys up" The human girl said, confused and threatened. "She must have the ability to foresee us coming, humans in this world are powerful" Rhys reckoned before sheathing his weapons away. "What the heck are you guys talking about!-". "Please we mean you no harm" Rhys said to the human, muttering something to Pierce before continuing. "Please we just need help-"

"I saw you do magic power stuff! are you the devil's servants?!"

"The..devil?" Leif questioned, confused.

"She means the demon" Rhys responded. "Hear me out, we come with peaceful intent to-"

"I've uncovered it" Asch announced out, gaining everyone's attention. "The source of her power". "Asch and I found it before but we weren't sure" Pierce confirmed before Asch smirked out - uncovering a white bra for all eyes to see. The human girl blushed red, lowering the pan as Rhea was flushed in embarrassment for her. The boys in the room gushed over the article of clothing and Rhea shakily let out, "Um...Asch...that isn't at al-" " I'm sure. This human is a sorcerer" Asch said before handing Rhys a pink book.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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