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Before we begin I have a few rules for you to follow:

1) Don't spam me if I am not replying. I have a life.

2) Cause drama have fun with it!

3) Smutt on my PM, Discord or lastely, my backup account.

4) Keep cussing to max. Please

5) Respect me and the others on this book

6) No over powered OCs it just drives me nuts.

7) No fainting suddenly or ovet weak characters . Your character shouldn't go down in one punch.

8) If you want to romance my OC take it slow. Most people take awhile to fall in love.

9) Add a bit detail in your reply. It helps come up with a reply for yours.

Good: She ran as sweat dripped down her face. She could feel the breath of the enemy close behind that was chasing her. Fear was filling her as something grabbed her arm.
Bad: She ran.

If you agree to my rules comment:
"Pastel Rainbow"

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