Marvel OC (1)

40 3 1

Name: Alice

Surname: Rosson

Age: 20

Nationality: Russian-American

Height:  5'2

SHEILD or HYDRA: Neither, she's mostly in the grey area. However, she tends to lean towards SHEILD more.

Crush: Bucky Barnes

Hero/Under Cover Name: Sliver Fox

Skills: Martial Arts, Fluent in Russian and skilled in pistols

Weaknesses: Not good at English tends to have a thick accent making hard to understand, forgets to reload guns and leaves too much open space when fighting up close.

Likes: Cocktails, books, dogs and flowers



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Face Claim: Emilia Clarke

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Face Claim: Emilia Clarke

Allies: Natasha (Best Friend), Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner


Secret by The Pierces

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