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"If we bring him back, what do we do if he loses control?" Diana questioned, leaning against the metal table

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"If we bring him back, what do we do if he loses control?" Diana questioned, leaning against the metal table.

"well-" Bruce says as he walks over to the holographic table "I have a plan," typing in a few commands, he pulls up images of a young woman. Most of the pictures were mugshots, fuzzy surveillance footage of her breaking into a home, and a photo that looked like a zoomed-in selfie. She was hugging someone but they were cut out of the frame. Arthur, Diana, Barry, and Cyborg glanced at each other quizzically, all silently sharing a knowing look. What was he planning?

"Her name is Charlie lynch Branson," Bruce explained, clearly seeing the looks on everyone's faces. "She is 25 years old. At ten, she witnessed her father murdering her mother in cold blood and was sent straight into foster homes and orphanages for years, only to get kicked out for anger issues. When she was 15, she was sent to a foster family in Smallville, Kansas. After three months, they adopted her. The Branson family happened to live on the farm right next door to the Kents."

Tapping the cut-off photo, it revealed Clark Kent and Hailey in a field, having a picnic with huge grins plastered on their faces.

"She and Clark became best friends while growing up, following each other everywhere. Charlie struggled with mental issues after the incident and suffers from episodes of rage and hallucinations. Clark was very protective of her, never letting her leave his sight if he could help it. His friendship caused the episodes to become less frequent. After his death, she was alone with her thoughts became unbearable and went off the deep end. The episodes became more frequent . She lost her jobs due to these episodes and wast the last of her money to buy alcohol trying to control the fits but it made it worse. On March 18th she had an episode while drunk and broke into a house, killing a family of four, all except the wife."

Raising his eyebrows, Bruce stood silent for a moment, letting everyone mentally catch up with the new information and watching for their reactions.

Barry made the first move, exhaling roughly, "That took a turn," he stated, stuffing his hands in his pockets and chuckling nervously, quickly glancing at the ground.
"She's currently on death row at Metropolis state prison. In three days, she will be executed due to her crimes. I talked to her lawyer and the judge has granted her 2 days so she can help us." Bruce finally finishes, closing the hologram.

"Bruce, are you sure this is a good idea? How can we trust a criminal like this? " Diana says in anger, slapping her hand against the table. "She killed innocent people!"

"What other choice do we have," Bruce says trying to keep his cool.
"She is the only one who can calm him down"

No one said anything as he picked up his jacket and keys and briskly walked to one of his many  sports cars.

"Then it's decided. We bring in Charlie lynch

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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