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From the tough swish of their fabric, and the heavy clunking of their boots, Amrite knew with certainty that the new arrivals were guards.

In that split second she had to make a decision. Amrite could call for help, waving her hands in the air, and cry aloud that she had been separated from the Nest. She could tearily wrap her arms around them in relief, and ask politely ask if the guards would be so kind as to return her home. Or.... Amrite thought about the monitors, she thought about 91's lifeless body, and something in her gut told her to do pick the stupid option. And so she hid behind the door, masked by shadows, and listened.

"What happened to the elevator?" a male guard asked, his reedy voice full of agitation.

A gruff, female responded. "Some mechanical malfunctioning. I'm not sure, the engineers said that technical difficulties would not happen for at least a hundred years."
"Hah! A hundred years! Do you think this project will last that long? I honestly don't think—when people really know—"
"The government is too intertwined to be of much use. Besides, when people have money, there will always be takers."'

Amrite's heart was now pumping so fast that if her register had not been broken, the guards would definitely have heard its excited beeping.

"Fine, sure, okay. But when's the technician coming? They have to come before the girls wake up."

Amrite strained as best she could to find out more about the "project", but their voices had soon faded down the hall.

Suddenly noticing that she had been clenching her fists, Amrite released her grip, staring at her white knuckles and considering this new slice of information. What crimes IS the government not preventing the Nest from doing? What could possibly be that bad that the people would shut the Nest down?

Sure, the Nest had removed her memories, and sure the girls were basically living in confinement and had to follow strict rules. But there were factual reasons for their living conditions, and they were being treated with the best, most state-of-the-art technology to reach the peak of feminime physicality. Also, Amrite was sure she must have willingly signed up for the selection program, or else why else would she be here...right?

In the past twelve hours, Amrite felt like her senses had been electrocuted by an electric rod. Her curiosity had now reached its peak and there was no way of stopping it now. It was odd to think just a day ago Amrite would've never dared to even step a toe out of line, following instruction with earnest hoping that her obedience would be recognized.

But the new Amrite was tired, exhausted, and hungry with questions.

Looking back at the still open elevator, Amrite reasoned to herself that she would find her way back before the technician came, and no one would ever know she was gone.

And so, with great caution, Amrite stepped into the hallway and began to follow the direction of the guards. 

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