Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to The fans of Jemi

Joe's POV

The news keeps replaying it over and over again making me want to throw the tv out the window. When I heard the news I was shocked, then frightened. It said that the disney superstar had entered a treatment center for self harming and eating disorders. I never knew...I would never have thought that Demi would do that. I feel a piercing pain in my heart, was I the one who sent her there? When I ended it, did that push her to that level? No, though I couldn't have because she never loved me. Well that's what I thought. I don't know, but I just hope she's gonna be ok. I miss holding her in my arms at night on the tour bus after a show. We toured together for Camp Rock 2 and then I decided to end it near the end. I would never have done it if Demi's stepdad never told me that she didn't love me anymore, that she rather just be friends and that I was torturing her. He said she didn't wanna feel like she broke my heart because she saw how in love I was, so I decided to end it there and at least spare her guilt. I've hurt so much since then without her, but I won't tell her that. She doesn't love me, I don't want to make her go through more. I look over and see my younger brother Nick walk into the room looking down.

" So I guess that means you've seen what's happening to Demi." he says pointing at the tv and sitting down next to me on the couch.

" I can't believe it Nick." I say sighing turning off the tv, I can't watch it anymore. It makes me sick inside, the way they are talking about her like she's some crazy physco. I turn my head so Nick doesn't see the tears slowly slip from my eyes.

" Joe I'm your brother, I really don't care if you cry in front of me. I know what your feeling right now. " Nick says patting my back for a second trying to comfort me.

" I never stopped loving her, you know. " I say knowing that I have told everyone the lie I told her. That I don't love her and that I want to save our friendship.

" Oh I know. " Nick replies shocking me. I didn't think anybody knew.

" How?" I ask wondering if Demi's stepdad told, he was the only other person who knew.

" Joe, it's kind of obvious that you didn't want to break up with her, but you did want to save your friendship. " Nick says making me feel relieved, he only knew half of it.

"Yeah, do you think...that it's my fault that shes there?" I ask wanting the truth.

" I'm not sure, but I highly doubt it. Don't stress about it, talk it through with her after. " Nick says getting up to leave.

" After?" I question getting up too.

" Well she's not going to be in that treatment center forever. " Nick says walking out of the room.

Yeah, but will she be healthy when she comes out?

The Pain In Love: A Jemi storyWhere stories live. Discover now