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A slight breeze blew across the open field and across the rows of graduates wearing black caps and gowns seated in their chairs.  Up on the set up stage, Miranda stood at the podium about to deliver her speech.  She closed her eyes for a moment as the breeze blew gently across her face and played at the tassel hanging from her cap.  She brushed back a lock of hair and grabbed at the tassel now swinging across her view.

In the first several rows, she could see her friend Carla who had joined her on many adventures during those last four years.  A few rows back, she picked out Jennica who was giving her a big smile and two thumbs up.  She smiled looking further back to the row reserved for parents and special guests.  Although she knew no relative of hers would be amoung those seated, she hoped maybe someone familiar might show up.  She hoped knowing it was all but impossible.  Still.

Adjusting her microphone, she confidently began:

"We've all been on a long journey these last four, or five, or maybe even six years?  And, we're tired.  Tired, but in a good way, because we know that tomorrow, the real journey begins.  The true adventure we've been hoping for, planning for, working hard for these last several years.  For some of us, we've always known the path we were meant to follow.  For others, that path might have changed as we suffered through the tests, and books, and essays, and long nights at the library.  Irregardless of how we got to this point, we have.  But, we couldn't have done it without the teaching of our professors, the help of our friends, and the support of our families.  They all have shown and guided us along the path to our futures.  A path which leads us to the brink of tomorrow;  a tomorrow that is both uncertain, but at the same time familiar and reassuring because we have been shown the way and can now navigate through it to our destinies..."

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