Chapter 1 - (Seven Years Earlier)

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Miranda noticed the car right away.  It's not that cars didn't park in the drive near their trailer, it's just that not that kind of car parked near their driveway.  For one, the road leading up to it was unpaved and very dusty, and surely that kind of car owner wouldn't want to ruin such a nice car by driving on it.  Second, no one they knew drove or might know someone who drove that kind of car.

Now, looking at the bright silver BMW sitting near their driveway, the trailer seemed even more dilapidated than ever.  It needed painting and repair.  Flowers never grew in any of the cans or bins Miranda tried.  Not even weeds survived long in this hot and dry environment.  

Miranda pointed out the car to her mother as they pulled up to their lot.  "Mom, who do you think that is?"

Her mother, Jackie, barely glanced up from lighting her cigarette from the lighter in the dash.

"Hope it's not a bill collector," she said out of the side of her mouth as she blew out a puff of smoke.  "If it is, they're not going to get anything until I get my check in a week.  That is if there's anything left after I pay the rent and the car and the..."

Miranda stopped listening as she tried to make out the figure in the car.  Her mother was always short on money and constantly reminding her of the fact.  Miranda turned and looked at her:  dark brown hair up in a messy bun with a few streaks of grey now showing around her temples, grey-green eyes squinting ahead showing off the fine wrinkles which had started to etch her face around the corners of her eyes and mouth, wearing the well-worn knit shirt and khaki pants which were her uniform at the delivery service she worked for.  

She looked back forward as her mother guided the battered Corolla into its usual spot, taking her time in parking and gathering her bag to get out of the car.  Miranda got out of the car once it was parked and noticed that a tall lean man got out of the BMW.  He was wearing a light grey suit and stood politely to the side of his car.

Miranda turned to say something to her mother and saw that she hadn't even gotten out of the car yet.  She looked down through the window and saw her mother finally opening her door.  When Jackie stood up, Miranda noticed that she'd let her hair fall loose.  She'd also applied some lipstick and was chewing on a mint.  Miranda knew that Jackie probably thought this was just another man she needed to work her charm on and had gotten prepared.

The man approached with a smile.

"Jaqueline Ramos?"

"No, Señor, soy Jackie Webb," her mother said brightly with a faux Spanish accent walking up to meet him.

The man looked confused for a second until Jackie continued in English, "Of course, that was a husband or two ago."

The man pulled out a small notebook from inside his suit jacket and referred to it.

"Have you changed your name recently?  I have it as Ramos?"

Jackie laughed.  "I changed it back to my first married name.  Webb.  I thought Miranda and I should have the same last name again."

The man turned to look at Miranda and took a step forward holding out his hand.  "Hello, Miranda.  I'm Todd Wayland."

Looking into his handsome face and intense hazel eyes, Miranda suddenly felt shy in a way she usually didn't and took a step behind her mother.  She peeked at him through the strands of her light brown hair with her own hazel-green eyes.

Feeling his focus getting away from her, Jackie brought the attention back to herself.  "What can we help you with?"

Mr. Wayland walked back to the car and pulled a briefcase out.  Opening it, he pulled out a thick manila envelope and said, "I'm here to talk to you both, but especially to Miranda, about the terms of the estate of Mrs. Nola Ashford."

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