chapter 1

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9:28 AM

Chan laid face down on his bed, dramatically unconscious.

He sighed, dreading the day that would come. He didn't want to get up to go to that place; the place that he'd describe as hell. Going to the vet (yes, the vet) was something that he was required to do every two months. He didn't completely understand why, assuming that it had something to do with him being part wolf because he's sure that regular humans don't go to vets for checkups.

Chan forced himself out the bed, dragging his numb body across the floor while scratching at the grey, furry ears sprouting from his silver hair. He made his way out of his bedroom and into the bathroom just beside it.

As he was getting ready, there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Yeah?" Chan stopped washing his face and opened the door.

Felix, one of Chan's closest friends that has lived with him for two years, was at the door. "It's that time, isn't it?" Felix asked, leaning against the door frame. Chan nodded while proceeding to freshen up.

"You're going to be a good boy aren't you?" Felix teased, poking the hybrid in his abdomen constantly. Chan knew he would have done more if he wasn't half asleep, unfortunately. "Felix, sTOP," Chan playfully demanded, yet almost growling, while trying to wave away the younger's teasing hands.

Unsuccessfully stopping the younger, Felix continued to poke the boy, adding 'boop" noises, until he reached Chan's ears. Felix scratched the wolf's ears, earning a satisfied growl from him.

"Do you know if Jisung has gone yet?" Felix asked, finally stepping into the bathroom and playing with Chan's silver locks. Chan was used to these actions from Felix. It didn't bother him, it wasn't like Felix treated him like a pet. Not anymore.

Chan used to disguise himself from the world, wearing a beanie to cover his ears, and oversized sweaters all the time. Hybrids were becoming quite common at the time, but he thought that people still found them weird. When he met Felix, Chan knew that he had never encountered them before. When the boys became, as Chan would like to say, acquaintances, Felix would give Chan commands common to a dog.

Sit. Stay. Play.

Chan found it embarrassing, which was the main reason why he'd never follow those commands. He'd just respond with a, "You know I'm human too, right?" Hard to believe, but it was true. He soon had to realize that not everything could be treated the way they wanted to.

"I think Ji went earlier this month," Chan said, starting to walk out of the bathroom. Felix automatically removed his hand from the boy's hair, following him to his room.

Chan rummaged through his closet, "I still don't understand what these stupid appointments are for," he complained while throwing a black shirt and baby blue jacket on his bed.

Felix shrugged as if the wolf could see him, "I don't either, but.. just keep going to them, yeah? I don't want anything happening to you."

Chan silently nodded while hearing the clear concern in the younger's voice.

Chan started dressing, not afraid of showing his pale body in front of Felix. To be honest, he's seen it before; either when he was hurt, on accident, or when they swam. They couldn't lie, they both were pretty fit. Chan being the fittest because, of course, he's part wolf. Felix often trained in the gym with Chan when he was in the mood.

He finished once he slipped on his shoes and folded a beanie over his head. He carefully tucked his ears, whimpering when a thread got stuck to a hair for a mere second.

"You'll be alright, won't you?" Felix asked, holding the door open for a wolf that was trying to escape.

"You're such a mom, Lixxie.. You always do this. Of course I'll be fine," Chan paused for a second, kicking a rock back to its place in a pile. He suddenly brightened up and smiled, "Plus, I could just bite them if I feel threatened," he suggested while showing off his sharp canines.

Felix laughed at the older, "Okay.." He pulled him in for a long hug. "Be safe, I love you."

Chan returned the hug, "Love you too."

so this is my first chapter-
i wrote this in seventh grade 👉👈 but let's get it.
the cover isn't the final one, but two of my best friends told me i should post it (i might mention them again, but know that i love them)

until the next chapter, thank you for reading!

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