chapter 2

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10:19 AM

Chan walked along the streets of Seoul on his way to the vet. Unwillingly, of course. Chan never looked forward to going to the vet, but he started to once it became required for some reason.

As he walked, he hummed to songs that played through his airpods (which he hasn't lost...yet. Not like his friend Hyunjin).

Chan picked up his pace once he saw the place that he had to be. Once he got to the door, he held onto the handle, hesitating to open it. He was usually like this when coming to the vet; anxious even though he was fine two months before.

He gained the courage to open it and stepped inside. He always hated the smell of vets. They always smelled of sick puppies and other mixtures of animals. The vets always tried to clear up that smell with essences, but they always failed.

He went to the front desk and placed a fake smile on his face,"Appointment for Bang Chan," he said as the lady started to type his name. "Quite the name for a pet?" She said while giggling.

Bang Chan chuckled uneasily, "Yeah.. Guess it is."

"Well, the doctor will be ready for the appointment in a few minutes.. Please have a seat until then," She said, gesturing to the wait area behind him and smiling.
Chan nodded as he walked away, "Thank you."

He did feel salty about being called a pet. I mean, the lady didn't know.. He did have a beanie covering his ears. But he also didn't have a visible pet with him.

"Bang Chan?" someone called after a wooden door flung open.

"Coming," He said, trying to sound enthusiastic, as he got from the comfortable seat and walked to the person.


A voice called from behind him, making him look back slowly. "Where's your pet? This is an animal clinic."

Chan sighed, having to pull off his beanie to expose his ears. "Looks like I am the pet, ma'am."

a new chapter because i keep getting harassed to update..

i'm still going to continue the woochan story despite the recent events. i hope you enjoy!

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