Hi :)

13 1 0

Just a little PSA

But if you ever
And I mean EV E R
hurt the ones I love
I'll personally rip your eyes out and shove them up your ass.

Or I'll break your nico nico knees. Whichever I think you deserve.

So yeah, don't fucking hurt my friends if you think I won't hunt you down with a crowbar.

((If anyone wants to know why I'm so pissed off, all I can say is someone I know just told me they got cheated on. And a bunch of other shit is happening. Whip dab :) oh, and I'm sick of gross people hitting on my friends when all they wanted to do was dress nicely and have a fun time :)
Oh and to the guy who called my mother a cougar
I'll see you in Hell, bitch))

Anyway, peace outttt✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

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