Leprechaun Cutouts

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A soft drizzle fell down creating small waves in the water puddles as a pair of rubber boots disturbed the pattern. Will and Bailey arrived at the large sign that made up the entrance for Horseland to wait for the school bus to come and take them to school. As the stopped walking the younger boy tugged on the hood of his raincoat to prevent the rain splashing into his face. He then places his hands into his pocket. Will looked back at the path they had taken. "Where' Alma?"

"I don't know. She is normally here before either one of us."

The sudden splashing sound of someone running down the path was heard and Alma suddenly appeared from the side of the fork in the path that led to the small cottage that Alma's family stayed in. She was carrying a tub with her and finally stopped at the road. "I hope it's not raining. Saint Partick's Day falls on a Saturday this year and if it is too wet I won't be able to decorate."

Bailey's mouth twisted up into a frown. "Alma... why are you so excited about this?"

"I was thinking that we could have a special themed day for the younger kids." Alma pulled the container closer to her chest. "Plus... I'm having fun reading about Saint Patrick and why we celebrate on that day."

The dark haired boy took a deep breath. "I don't have time to help with though. Midterms are this week in case you don't remember. What with the chores here at Horseland, the homework and the studying I don't think I can do it."

"I don't know." Will let out a laugh. "I'm actually willing to give this one a go despite the fact midterms are this week and you know how hard studying is for me. It will be a nice break from everything else, don't you think? Also... are we actually Irish?"

"You honestly don't know?" Will laughed again.

"Handler I believe is a German family name and Taggart is actually Scottish."

"That doesn't mean we don't have Irish in our blood."

"Are you going to tell me Will?" Bailey removed his hands from his pocket, frowning as he did so.

The bus for the high school suddenly pulled up and the blond haired teen pulled his backpack up farther. "Nope. Ask your mom when you get home from school."

Bailey's mouth twisted up as he watched as the boy stepped onto the bus. When the bus for the junior high pulled up he let out a sigh and got on. Alma followed behind him and they headed to one of the seats that was completely empty. The boy slouched in the seat by the window while Alma opened up the container. One of his eyebrows went up. "Alma... what is that?"

"What? You don't know what a leprechaun is?"

"I know what a leprechaun is, so please don't start telling me some story you've read." The boy looked out.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?"

Instead of answering her question the boy looked at the items. "When I asked what that was, I meant..." Bailey paused. "I didn't mean what it was a picture of, but what it was for. I think that is the best way to put it."

"They're cut outs. At least they will be when I finish cutting them. There are some other things that I'll have the girls help me with, but I figure I can get some of it done during the bus ride to school as well as lunch."

"What about eating and..." The bus suddenly bounced, causing Bailey's words to briefly be cut short. "And I don't think the bus is a good place for crafting."

"I do my school work all the time on the way home and none of the teachers complain about it being messy."

"Never mind. I've never really been one for school. Or reading for that matter." The boy turned to look out the window, his elbow pressed against the cold window pain of the bus. "I know you're not Irish. The last time I checked you were full blown Hispanic and quite proud of it too."

"Yes. I am Hispanic. I'm also Catholic though. Buenos Aires holds a major celebration every year in the Irish district. Plus... I like the color green and you're supposed to wear green on that day lest you get pinched. It's not as if I am asking for us to have a celebration anywhere near as elaborate as they can get. It's just going to be just some fun, basic activities."

"Except I know you. There will be nothing basic about it."


The morning classes passed quickly and Bailey found himself sitting with his friends which included Alma. The girl was zoned out as she cut out the leprechauns and other items from the paper print outs. Taking a deep breath he sat down among the other kids who happened to have parents with some kind of job in agriculture. Her lunch box was also opened to the side, most of it untouched. Bailey didn't say anything as he sat down.

Eventually though Alma's head darted up. "I'm looking forward to the celebration we'll be having for Saint Patty's day at Horseland."

One of their male friends chuckled. "So Alma is planning something again?"

Bailey simply looked away but spoke up. "It's what she's good at. I'm pretty much good at horses."

Alma frowned. "You shouldn't talk like that. You aren't stupid."

"I know that. I just find studies to be boring and unless it's games or horses. I mean, I have no plans on going away to college. I'm going to take over Horseland... maybe run it with Will."

Alma continued working away at her cut outs. "You do know that you can go to college to specialize in agriculture and business."

Bailey let out a sigh before looking away.

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