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Courtney Alice McGreggor transferred to the school over the summer, thus deflating the new girl status with the fact she started the school year at the same time as everyone else. Instead of being excited about a new girl showing up they talked about what they did over the summer. A new face was a new face and completely expected once you got out of elementary school and shared classes with numerous other students.

Despite being a rural school there was still a group of girls that wanted to be on top of the latest fashion trends. The one thing Courtney had going for her was the fact her parents were rich, or at least rich by the standards for that school. She wore some of the latest fashion items and was always ahead of these girls when it came to fashion, so she quickly became their head bee.

Thus she had the misconception that she was popular among all the students because she was a part of this particular group. The thing though about rural area schools compared to those of the inner city was that the students tended to have their own fashion trends and nuances. Despite throwing taunting leers and insults the way of other students Courtney found herself unable to stir a feather.

This was particularly true among the largely Hispanic population at the school which happened to have its own trends and styles based on a mix of American pop culture as well as the popular stars from down in Mexico that they would watch with their parents during the day. Some didn't understand what she said to them either and would laugh in her face.

Then there were the girls who didn't care because they worked on their parents farm and enjoyed rough and tumble activities that meant they had to be careful what they wore. The vast majority of the school leaned towards athleticism and there was a great pride in this. If she had managed to get enrolled in time she could have possibly been a cheerleader, but then again athleticism wasn't her thing.

Instead she couldn't help but think that her style sense was going to die from lack of challenge. One thing she noticed though was that a lot of the girls seemed to take an interest in Bailey Handler, though she honestly didn't know why. She had to admit that he was kind of cute, but most of all that dating him would raise her status among the girls at the school.

Thus she started walking up and flirting with him, practically stalking him. At first he just ignored her, but then he started to give her rather annoyed looks before scuttling away. He always hung out with Alma and one time she approached the oblivious bookworm while her nose was in a book and asked what her relationship was with Bailey Handler. Without looking up from her book Alma said, "We've known each other since we were tykes, so I'd say that he's like my unofficial official brother of sorts."

Which in Courtney's mind meant no competition. She did though still think that Alma wasn't very bright despite being one of the top students in her class. Of course... Courtney didn't know this as grades were not important to her. One of her friends though came hurrying over. "Did you know that Bailey's going to be having a Saint Patty's day party at his place. Hopefully you'll get an invitation."

The girl blinked a couple of times and proceeded to follow Bailey the rest of the day, being late to her classes in hopes that she would get a coveted girl blinked a couple of times. Wanting to know more about said party, she approached one of the male friends Bailey had. "Excuse me... but what's this party Bailey's having? Why haven't I been invited?"

The guy's eyebrows rose up. "Because the Saint Patrick thing Alma is planning is restricted to the students of Horseland riding academy. You know... the riding school Bailey's parents run?"

Courtney rolled her lip as she thought about this. She watched as Bailey's friend went to talk to one of the blond cowgirls. She then hurried to where the nice limo her parents sent every day was waiting for her. She climbed into the back and spoke to her chauffeur. "I want to take riding lessons."

"At Stanhope Academy miss?"

"No... apparently Horseland is the local riding academy... though I think they teach cowboy riding only." The girl sat there. "When I take over as his wife, I'll change that."

"Western riding miss. And if that is all they do, I don't think you're parents will approve." The limo pulled away.

"I will go to this Horseland academy thing." The girl stomped her foot onto the ground. "And I must be ready to go by this weekend, no later. You will tell them that, won't you Jeffery?"

"My name is Carlson miss."

"Nonsense. All chauffeurs and butlers are named Jeffery. That is common sense." She didn't catch the old man rolling his eyes, but she did catch his next response that was under his breath.

"I'd rather go and chauffeur for the Stilton girls. They should be having another quitting on them soon."

"Who are the Stilton girls and what is so good about them."

"It would do you well to know some of the locat big wigs around here. The most major family around here is the Whitney family. Then there is the Stilton family, the Bentley family..."

"As if I care... they can't be better any of them then my family."

"You'll need riding gear and a horse if you're to go riding."

"Then lets go and look."

"Shopping for a horse is not like shopping for clothes, Miss McGreggor. Your parents will want to get a specialist to come in and judge if the horse is just right for you."

"Well... if that's how you get just the right horse then so be it. It's got to be perfect as I've got to put forth the best impression. This is my chance." Courtney squealed with excitement.

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