Author's Note

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I literally cannot believe I'm still receiving so many comments full of love and appreciation and I canNOt ConTaIn mYSElf rigHt NOW--

I was originally intending to reply to every individual comment, but thought a general note would be better!!

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read this old fanfiction!!! My literacy has improved since them- at least I'd like to believe so- and reviewing this old pal made me want to cringe and cry from nostalgia at the same time!!

I love you all so much, I'm sobbIng rN-- it's also such a joy to read how you guys insert or relate yourself!

I'm definitely still into Pokemon, and my shipping sense are still strong! If you guys have any ship suggestions (preferably from the gameverse) and plots, I'd love to hear ideas! Reading all your comments is really sparking my old love for fan fiction, and is really encouraging me to write more again.

Once again, thank you so much!!! MWAH!!!

Ah, the Wonders (Pokemon- Rival Silver X Nervous! Sad! Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now